Enum RscKey

RscKey enumeration

Represents a list of supported resource fields.

public enum RscKey : byte


Name0Represents the Name (Resource) field.
AccrueAt1Represents the Accrue At (Resource) field.
ActualCost2Represents the Actual Cost (Resource) field.
ActualOvertimeCost3Represents the Actual Overtime Cost (Resource) field.
ActualOvertimeWork4Represents the Actual Overtime Work (Resource) field.
ActualOvertimeWorkProtected5Represents the Actual Overtime Work Protected (Resource) field.
ActualWork6Represents the Actual Work (Resource) field.
ActualWorkProtected7Represents the Actual Work Protected (Resource) field.
ACWP8Represents the ACWP (Resource) field.
AssignmentOwner9Represents the Assignment Owner (Resource) field.
AssignmentOwnerGuid10Represents the Assignment Owner Guid (Resource) field.
AssignmentUnits11Represents the Assignment Units (Resource) field.
AvailableFrom12Represents the Available From (Resource) field.
AvailableTo13Represents the Available To (Resource) field.
ActiveDirectoryGuid14Represents the Active Directory Guid (Resource) field.
BaseCalendar15Represents the Base Calendar (Resource) field.
BCWP16Represents the BCWP (Resource) field.
BCWS17Represents the BCWS (Resource) field.
BookingType18Represents the Booking Type (Resource) field.
BudgetWork19Represents the Budget Work (Resource) field.
BudgetCost20Represents the Budget Cost (Resource) field.
Calendar21Represents the Calendar GUID (Resource) field.
CanLevel22Represents the Can Level (Resource) field.
Code23Represents the Code (Resource) field.
Confirmed24Represents the Confirmed (Resource) field.
Cost25Represents the Cost (Resource) field.
CostCenter26Represents the Cost Center (Resource) field.
CostPerUse27Represents the Cost Per Use (Resource) field.
CostRateTable28Represents the Cost Rate Table (Resource) field.
CostVariance29Represents the Cost Variance (Resource) field.
Created30Represents the Created (Resource) field.
CV31Represents the CV (Resource) field.
SV32Represents the SV (Resource) field.
EMailAddress33Represents the EMail Address (Resource) field.
IsBudget34Represents the Budget (Resource) field.
IsGeneric35Represents the Generic (Resource) field.
IsEnterprise36Represents the Enterprise (Resource) field.
IsCostResource37Represents the Is Cost (Resource) field.
Inactive38Represents the Inactive (Resource) field.
Finish39Represents the Finish (Resource) field.
Group40Represents the Group (Resource) field.
GroupBySummary41Represents the Group by Summary (Resource) field.
Guid42Represents the GUID (Resource) field.
Hyperlink43Represents the Hyperlink (Resource) field.
HyperlinkAddress44Represents the Hyperlink Address (Resource) field.
HyperlinkHref45Represents the Hyperlink HRef (Resource) field.
HyperlinkSubAddress46Represents the Hyperlink Sub Address (Resource) field.
Id47Represents the ID (Resource) field.
Initials48Represents the Initials (Resource) field.
IsAssignment49Represents the Is Assignment (Resource) field.
IsNull50Represents IsNull field.
IsTeamAssignmentPool51Represents the Is Team (Resource) field.
LevelingDelay52Represents the Leveling Delay (Resource) field.
LinkedFields53Represents the Linked Fields (Resource) field.
MaterialLabel54Represents the Material Label (Resource) field.
MaxUnits55Represents the Max Units (Resource) field.
Notes56Represents the Notes (Resource) field.
NotesRTF57Represents the Notes RTF (Resource) field.
NotesText58Represents the Notes Text (Resource) field.
Overallocated59Represents the Overallocated (Resource) field.
OvertimeCost60Represents the Overtime Cost (Resource) field.
OvertimeRate61Represents the Overtime Rate (Resource) field.
OvertimeRateFormat62Represents the Overtime Rate Format (Resource) field.
OvertimeWork63Represents the Overtime Work (Resource) field.
PeakUnits64Represents the Peak Units (Resource) field.
PercentWorkComplete65Represents the Percent Work Complete (Resource) field.
Phonetics66Represents the Phonetics (Resource) field.
Project67Represents the Project (Resource) field.
RegularWork68Represents the Regular Work (Resource) field.
RemainingCost69Represents the Remaining Cost (Resource) field.
RemainingOvertimeCost70Represents the Remaining Overtime Cost (Resource) field.
RemainingOvertimeWork71Represents the Remaining Overtime Work (Resource) field.
RemainingWork72Represents the Remaining Work (Resource) field.
ResponsePending73Represents the Response Pending (Resource) field.
StandardRate74Represents the Standard Rate (Resource) field.
StandardRateFormat75Represents the Standard Rate Format (Resource) field.
Start76Represents the Start (Resource) field.
Type77Represents the Type (Resource) field.
Uid78Represents the UniqueID (Resource) field.
VAC79Represents the VAC (Resource) field.
WBS80Represents the WBS (Resource) field.
WindowsUserAccount81Represents the Windows User Account (Resource) field.
Work82Represents the Work (Resource) field.
WorkContour83Represents the Work Contour (Resource) field.
Workgroup84Represents the Workgroup (Resource) field.
WorkVariance85Represents the Work Variance (Resource) field.


Shows how to read/write Rsc.Name property.

var project = new Project();

var resource = project.Resources.Add("Resource");

resource.Set(Rsc.Name, "John Smith");

Console.WriteLine("Name: " + resource.Get(Rsc.Name));

See Also