

Moves the current task at the same Outline Level before the specified task. If ParentProject.CalculationMode is None user should invoke Project.Recalculate() after using this method (It will reschedule all project tasks (start/finish dates, sets early/late dates) and calculate the dependent fields such as slacks, work and cost fields, outline levels). If ParentProject.CalculationMode is Manual the method will calculate only task id, outline level and outline numbers automatically. If ParentProject.CalculationMode is Automatic the method reschedules all project’s tasks automatically (start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields, recalculates ids and outline levels).

public void MoveToSibling(Task beforeTask)
beforeTaskTaskTask before which the current task will be inserted.


Shows how to move the task under the same parent.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "MoveTask.mpp");

// Move tasks with id 5 before task with id 3
var task = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(5);

var targetTask = project.RootTask.Children.First(t => t.Get(Tsk.Name) == "Task4");

// OR
// Move task to the end of the collection
// task.MoveToSibling(null);
project.Save(OutDir + "MoveTaskUnderSameParent_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.Mpp);

See Also


Moves the current task at the same Outline Level before a task with the specified Id. If ParentProject.CalculationMode is None user should invoke Project.Recalculate() after using this method (It will reschedule all project tasks (start/finish dates, sets early/late dates) and calculate the dependent fields such as slacks, work and cost fields, outline levels). If ParentProject.CalculationMode is Manual the method will calculate only task id, outline level and outline numbers automatically. If ParentProject.CalculationMode is Automatic the method reschedules all project’s tasks automatically (start/finish dates, sets early/late dates, calculates slacks, work and cost fields, recalculates ids and outline levels).

public void MoveToSibling(int beforeTaskId)
beforeTaskIdInt32Id (Id) of a task before which the current task will be inserted.


Shows how to move the task under the same parent using task’s Id.

var project = new Project(DataDir + "MoveTask.mpp");

// Move tasks with id 5 before task with id 3
var task = project.RootTask.Children.GetById(5);


// OR
// Move task to the end of the collection
// task.MoveToSibling(-1);
project.Save(OutDir + "MoveTaskUnderSameParent_out.mpp", SaveFileFormat.Mpp);

See Also