FileFormatType enumeration

FileFormatType enumeration

Represents the file format types.

The FileFormatType type exposes the following members:


CSVComma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
XLSXOffice Open XML SpreadsheetML file (macro-free).
XLSMOffice Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled file.
XLTXOffice Open XML SpreadsheetML Template (macro-free).
XLTMOffice Open XML SpreadsheetML Macro-Enabled Template.
XLAMOffice Open XML SpreadsheetML addinMacro-Enabled file.
TSVTab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.
TAB_DELIMITEDTab-Separated Values(TSV) text file, same with FileFormatType.TSV.
HTMLHTML format.
M_HTMLMHTML (Web archive) format.
ODSOpen Document Sheet(ODS) file.
EXCEL_97_TO_2003Excel97-2003 spreadsheet file.
SPREADSHEET_MLExcel 2003 XML Data file.
XLSBThe Excel Binary File Format (.xlsb)
UNKNOWNRepresents unrecognized format, cannot be loaded.
PDFPDF (Adobe Portable Document) format.
XPSXPS (XML Paper Specification) format.
TIFFRepresents a TIFF file.
SVGSVG file.
EXCEL95Represents an Excel95 xls file.
EXCEL4Represents an Excel4.0 xls file.
EXCEL3Represents an Excel3.0 xls file.
EXCEL2Represents an Excel2.1 xls file.
PPTXRepresents a pptx file.
DOCXRepresents a docx file.
DIFData Interchange Format.
DOCRepresents a doc file.
PPTRepresents a ppt file.
MAPI_MESSAGERepresents a email file.
MS_EQUATIONRepresents the MS Equation 3.0 object.
OLE_10_NATIVERepresents the embedded native object.
VSDRepresents MS Visio VSD binary format.
VSDXRepresents MS Visio 2013 VSDX file format.
DOCMRepresents a docm file.
DOTXRepresents a dotx file.
DOTMRepresents a dotm file.
PPTMRepresents a pptm file.
POTXRepresents a Potx file.
POTMRepresents a Potm file.
PPSXRepresents a ppsx file.
PPSMRepresents a ppsm file.
OOXMLRepresents office open xml file(such as xlsx, docx,pptx, etc).
ODTRepresents an ODT file.
ODPRepresents a ODP file.
ODFRepresents an ODF file.
ODGRepresents an ODG file.
XMLRepresents a simple xml file.
XLTExcel97-2003 spreadsheet template.
OTTRepresents an OTT file.
BMPRepresents a BMP file.
OTSRepresents an ots file.
NUMBERSRepresents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc.
NUMBERS09Represents Numbers 9.0 file format by Apple Inc.
MARKDOWNRepresents markdown document.
GRAPH_CHARTRepresents embedded graph chart.
FODSRepresents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
SXCRepresents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
OTPRepresents a OTP file.
NUMBERS35Represents Numbers 3.5 file format since 2014 by Apple Inc
OLERepresents the embedded ole object.
EMFWindows Enhanced Metafile.
WMFWindows Metafile.
PNGPortable Network Graphics.
X_HTMLRrepesents XHtml file.
ONE_NOTERrepesents One Note file.
MICROSOFT_CABINETRrepesents Microsoft Cabinet file.
OXPSOXPS (Open XML Paper Specification) format.
G_ZIPRrepesents GZip file.

See Also