LookInType enumeration

LookInType enumeration

Represents look in type.

The LookInType type exposes the following members:


FORMULASFinds the searched object from formula(Cell.formula) if the cell is formula,
otherwise finds from cell’s original value(same with LookInType.ORIGINAL_VALUES).
VALUESFinds object from cell’s original value(Cell.value)
and formatted value(Cell.string_value).
VALUES_EXCLUDE_FORMULA_CELLIgnores cells that are formula. For those cells that are not formula,
it is same with LookInType.VALUES.
COMMENTSFinds object from cell’s comment only. Ignores those cells that have no comment.
ONLY_FORMULASIgnores cells that are not formula. For those cells that are formula,
finds the searched object from formula(Cell.formula).
ORIGINAL_VALUESFind object from cell’s original value only.
FORMATTED_VALUESFind object from cell’s formatted value(Cell.string_value) only.

See Also