SettableGlobalizationSettings class

SettableGlobalizationSettings class

Implementation of GlobalizationSettings that supports user to set/change pre-defined texts.

Inheritance: SettableGlobalizationSettingsGlobalizationSettings

The SettableGlobalizationSettings type exposes the following members:


initConstructs a new instance of SettableGlobalizationSettings


chart_settingsGets or sets the globalization settings for Chart.
pivot_settingsGets or sets the globalization settings for pivot table.
list_separatorGets the separator for list, parameters of function, …etc.
row_separator_of_formula_arrayGets the separator for rows in array data in formula.
column_separator_of_formula_arrayGets the separator for the items in array’s row data in formula.


get_pivot_total_nameGets the name of “Total” label in the PivotTable.
You need to override this method when the PivotTable contains two or more PivotFields in the data area.
get_pivot_grand_total_nameGets the name of “Grand Total” label in the PivotTable.
get_multiple_items_nameGets the name of “(Multiple Items)” label in the PivotTable.
get_all_nameGets the name of “(All)” label in the PivotTable.
get_protection_name_of_pivot_tableGets the protection name in the PivotTable.
get_column_labels_of_pivot_tableGets the name of “Column Labels” label in the PivotTable.
get_row_labels_name_of_pivot_tableGets the name of “Row Labels” label in the PivotTable.
get_empty_data_nameGets the name of “(blank)” label in the PivotTable.
get_data_field_header_name_of_pivot_tableGets the the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
get_sub_total_nameGets the name of PivotFieldSubtotalType type in the PivotTable.
get_total_nameGets the total name of specific function.
get_grand_total_nameGets the grand total name of the function.
get_default_sheet_nameGets the default sheet name for adding worksheet automatically.
Default is “Sheet”.
get_table_row_type_of_headersGets the type name of table rows that consists of the table header.
Default is “Headers”, so in formula “#Headers” represents the table header.
get_table_row_type_of_dataGets the type name of table rows that consists of data region of referenced table.
Default is “Data”, so in formula “#Data” represents the data region of the table.
get_table_row_type_of_allGets the type name of table rows that consists of all rows in referenced table.
get_table_row_type_of_totalsGets the type name of table rows that consists of the total row of referenced table.
get_table_row_type_of_currentGets the type name of table rows that consists of the current row in referenced table.
get_error_value_stringGets the display string value for cell’s error value
get_boolean_value_stringGets the display string value for cell’s boolean value
get_local_function_nameGets the locale dependent function name according to given standard function name.
get_standard_function_nameGets the standard function name according to given locale dependent function name.
get_local_built_in_nameGets the locale dependent text for built-in Name according to given standard text.
get_standard_built_in_nameGets the standard text of built-in Name according to given locale dependent text.
get_standard_header_footer_font_style_nameGets standard English font style name(Regular, Bold, Italic) for Header/Footer according to given locale font style name.
get_comment_title_nameGets the locale dependent comment title name according to comment title type.
compareCompares two string values according to certain collation rules.
set_total_nameSets the total name of specific function.
set_grand_total_nameSets the grand total name of specific function.
set_table_row_type_of_headersSets the type name of table rows that consists of the table header.
set_table_row_type_of_dataSets the type name of table rows that consists of data region of referenced table.
set_table_row_type_of_allSets the type name of table rows that consists of all rows in referenced table.
set_table_row_type_of_totalsSets the type name of table rows that consists of the total row of referenced table.
set_table_row_type_of_currentSets the type name of table rows that consists of the current row in referenced table.
set_boolean_value_stringSets the display string value for cell’s boolean value
set_local_function_nameSets the locale dependent function name corresponding to given standard function name.
set_standard_function_nameSets the locale dependent function name according to given standard function name.
set_local_built_in_nameSets the locale dependent text for the built-in name with given standard name text.
set_standard_built_in_nameSets the locale dependent function name according to given standard function name.
set_list_separatorSets the separator for list, parameters of function, …etc.
set_row_separator_of_formula_arraySets the separator for rows in array data in formula.
set_column_separator_of_formula_arraySets the separator for the items in array’s row data in formula.
set_standard_header_footer_font_style_nameSets the locale dependent function name according to given standard function name.
set_comment_title_nameGets the locale dependent comment title name according to comment title type.

See Also