TextFrame class

TextFrame class

Represents a TextFrame.

The TextFrame type exposes the following members:


paragraphsReturns the list of all paragraphs in a frame.
Read-only IParagraphCollection.
textGets or sets the plain text for a TextFrame.
Read/write str.
text_frame_formatReturns the formatting object for this TextFrame object.
Read-only ITextFrameFormat.
hyperlink_queriesProvides easy access to contained hyperlinks.
Read-only IHyperlinkQueries.
slideReturns the parent slide of a TextFrame.
Read-only IBaseSlide.
presentationReturns the parent presentation of a TextFrame.
Read-only IPresentation.


highlight_textHighlights all matches of the sample text with the specified color.
highlight_textHighlights all matches of the sample text with the specified color.
highlight_textHighlights all matches of the sample text with the specified color.
highlight_regexHighlights all matches of the regular expression with the specified color.
highlight_regexHighlights all matches of the regular expression with the specified color.
join_portions_with_same_formattingJoins runs with same formatting in all paragraphs.
replace_textReplaces all occurrences of the specified text with another specified text.
replace_regexReplaces all matches of regular expression with specified string.

See Also