
IGradientFormatEffectiveData interface

Imutable object which contains effective gradient filling properties.

public interface IGradientFormatEffectiveData : IFillParamSource


AsIFillParamSource { get; }Allows to get base IFillParamSource interface. Read-only IFillParamSource.
GradientDirection { get; }Returns the style of a gradient. Read-only GradientDirection.
GradientShape { get; }Returns the shape of a gradient. Read-only GradientShape.
GradientStops { get; }Returns the collection of gradient stops. Read-only IGradientStopCollectionEffectiveData.
LinearGradientAngle { get; }Returns the angle of a gradient. Read-only Single.
LinearGradientScaled { get; }Determines whether a gradient is scaled. Read-only Boolean.
TileFlip { get; }Returns the flipping mode for a gradient. Read-only TileFlip.


This interface is used as a part of IFillFormatEffectiveData and ILineFillFormatEffectiveData.

See Also