
IParagraphFormatEffectiveData interface

Immutable object which contains effective paragraph formatting properties.

public interface IParagraphFormatEffectiveData


Alignment { get; }Returns the text alignment in a paragraph. Read-only TextAlignment.
Bullet { get; }Returns a bullet format of a paragraph. Read-only IBulletFormatEffectiveData.
DefaultPortionFormat { get; }Returns default portion format of a paragraph. Read-only IPortionFormatEffectiveData.
DefaultTabSize { get; }Returns default tabulation size. Read-only Single.
Depth { get; }Returns a depth of a paragraph. Read-only Int16.
EastAsianLineBreak { get; }Determines whether the East Asian line break is used in a paragraph. Read-only Boolean.
FontAlignment { get; }Returns a font alignment in a paragraph. Read-only FontAlignment.
HangingPunctuation { get; }Determines whether the hanging punctuation is used in a paragraph. Read-only Boolean.
Indent { get; }Returns paragraph First Line Indent/Hanging Indent. Hanging Indent can be defined with negative values. Read-only Single.
LatinLineBreak { get; }Determines whether the Latin line break is used in a paragraph. Read-only Boolean.
MarginLeft { get; }Returns the left margin in a paragraph. Read-only Single.
MarginRight { get; }Returns the right margin in a paragraph. Read-only Single.
RightToLeft { get; }Determines whether the Right to Left writing is used in a paragraph. Read-only Boolean.
SpaceAfter { get; }Returns the amount of space after the last line in a paragraph. Read-only Single.
SpaceBefore { get; }Returns the amount of space before the first line in a paragraph. Read-only Single.
SpaceWithin { get; }Returns the amount of space between base lines in a paragraph. Read-only Single.
Tabs { get; }Returns tabulations of a paragraph. Read-only ITabEffectiveData[].


This interface is used together with the IParagraphFormat interface to return effective formatting values with inheritance applied.

See Also