
IThreeDFormatEffectiveData interface

Immutable object which represents effective 3-D formatting properties.

public interface IThreeDFormatEffectiveData : IThreeDParamSource


AsIThreeDParamSource { get; }Allows to get base IThreeDParamSource interface. Read-only IThreeDParamSource.
BevelBottom { get; }Returns the type of a bottom 3D bevel. Read-only IShapeBevelEffectiveData.
BevelTop { get; }Returns the type of a top 3D bevel. Read-only IShapeBevelEffectiveData.
Camera { get; }Returns the settings of a camera. Read-only ICameraEffectiveData.
ContourColor { get; }Returns the color of a contour. Read-only Color.
ContourWidth { get; }Returns the width of a 3D contour. Read-only Double.
Depth { get; }Returns the depth of a 3D shape. Read-only Double.
ExtrusionColor { get; }Returns the color of an extrusion. Read-only Color.
ExtrusionHeight { get; }Returns the height of an extrusion effect. Read-only Double.
LightRig { get; }Returns the type of a light. Read-only ILightRigEffectiveData.
Material { get; }Returns the type of a material. Read-only MaterialPresetType.


This interface is used together with the IThreeDFormat interface to return effective formatting values with inheritance applied.

See Also