
SectionCollection class

Represents a collection of sections.

public sealed class SectionCollection : DomObject<Presentation>, ISectionCollection


Count { get; }Gets the number of elements actually contained in the collection. Read-only Int32.
IsSynchronized { get; }Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). Read-only Boolean.
Item { get; }Gets the element at the specified index. Read-only ISection.
SyncRoot { get; }Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object.


AddEmptySection(string, int)Add empty section to specified position of the collection.
AddSection(string, ISlide)Add slides section started form specific slide.
AppendEmptySection(string)Add empty section to the end of the collection.
Clear()Removes all sections from the collection.
CopyTo(Array, int)Copies the entire collection to the specified array.
GetEnumerator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
IndexOf(ISection)Returns an index of the specified section in the collection.
RemoveSection(ISection)Remove section. Slides contained in the section will be merged into previous section.
RemoveSectionWithSlides(ISection)Remove section and slides contained in the section.
ReorderSectionWithSlides(ISection, int)Moves section and its slides from the collection to the specified position.

See Also