Table class

Table class

Represents a table on a slide.


The Table type exposes the following members:


is_text_holderDetermines whether the shape is TextHolder_PPT.
Read-only bool.
placeholderReturns the placeholder for a shape. Returns null if the shape has no placeholder.
Read-only IPlaceholder.
custom_dataReturns the shape’s custom data.
Read-only ICustomData.
raw_frameReturns or sets the raw shape frame’s properties.
Read/write IShapeFrame.
frameReturns or sets the shape frame’s properties.
Read/write IShapeFrame.
line_formatReturns the LineFormat object that contains line formatting properties for a shape.
Note: can return null for certain types of shapes which don’t have line properties.
Read-only ILineFormat.
three_d_formatReturns the ThreeDFormat object that 3d effect properties for a shape.
Note: can return null for certain types of shapes which don’t have 3d properties.
Read-only IThreeDFormat.
effect_formatReturns the EffectFormat object which contains pixel effects applied to a shape.
Note: can return null for certain types of shapes which don’t have effect properties.
Read-only IEffectFormat.
fill_formatReturns a TableFormat.FillFormat object containing the fill formatting for the Table.
Read-only IFillFormat.
hyperlink_clickReturns or sets the hyperlink defined for mouse click.
Read/write IHyperlink.
hyperlink_mouse_overReturns or sets the hyperlink defined for mouse over.
Read/write IHyperlink.
hyperlink_managerReturns the hyperlink manager.
Read-only IHyperlinkManager.
hiddenDetermines whether the shape is hidden.
Read/write bool.
z_order_positionReturns the position of a shape in the z-order.
Shapes[0] returns the shape at the back of the z-order,
and Shapes[Shapes.Count - 1] returns the shape at the front of the z-order.
Read-only int.
connection_site_countReturns the number of connection sites on the shape.
Read-only int.
rotationReturns or sets the number of degrees the specified shape is rotated around
the z-axis. A positive value indicates clockwise rotation; a negative value
indicates counterclockwise rotation.
Read/write float.
xReturns or sets the x-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the shape.
Read/write float.
yReturns or sets the y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the shape.
Read/write float.
widthReturns or sets the width of the shape.
Read/write float.
heightReturns or sets the height of the shape.
Read/write float.
black_white_modeProperty specifies how a shape will render in black-and-white display mode..
Read/write BlackWhiteMode.
unique_idGets unique shape identifier in presentation scope.
Read-only int.
See also Shape.office_interop_shape_id for getting unique shape identifier in slide scope.
office_interop_shape_idGets unique shape identifier in slide scope.
Read-only int.
See also Shape.unique_id for getting unique shape identifier in presentation scope.
alternative_textReturns or sets the alternative text associated with a shape.
Read/write str.
alternative_text_titleReturns or sets the title of alternative text associated with a shape.
Read/write str.
nameReturns or sets the name of a shape.
Must be not null. Use empty string value if needed.
Read/write str.
is_decorativeGets or sets ‘Mark as decorative’ option
Reed/write bool.
shape_lockReturns shape’s locks.
Read-only IGraphicalObjectLock.
is_groupedDetermines whether the shape is grouped.
Read-only bool.
parent_groupReturns parent GroupShape object if shape is grouped. Otherwise returns null.
Read-only IGroupShape.
slideReturns the parent slide of a shape.
Read-only IBaseSlide.
presentationReturns the parent presentation of a slide.
Read-only IPresentation.
graphical_object_lockReturns shape’s locks.
Read-only IGraphicalObjectLock.
rowsReturns the collectoin of rows.
Read-only IRowCollection.
columnsReturns the collectoin of columns.
Read-only IColumnCollection.
table_formatReturns the TableFormat object that contains formatting properties for this table.
Read-only ITableFormat.
style_presetGets or sets builtin table style.
Read/write TableStylePreset.
right_to_leftDetermines whether the table has right to left reading order.
Read-write bool.
first_rowDetermines whether the first row of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting.
Read/write bool.
first_colDetermines whether the first column of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting.
Read/write bool.
last_rowDetermines whether the last row of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting.
Read/write bool.
last_colDetermines whether the last column of a table has to be drawn with a special formatting.
Read/write bool.
horizontal_bandingDetermines whether the even rows has to be drawn with a different formatting.
Read/write bool.
vertical_bandingDetermines whether the even columns has to be drawn with a different formatting.
Read/write bool.


get_thumbnailReturns shape thumbnail.
ShapeThumbnailBounds.Shape shape thumbnail bounds type is used by default.
get_thumbnailReturns shape thumbnail.
get_imageReturns shape thumbnail.
ShapeThumbnailBounds.Shape shape thumbnail bounds type is used by default.
get_imageReturns shape thumbnail.
write_as_svgSaves content of Shape as SVG file.
write_as_svgSaves content of Shape as SVG file.
set_text_formatSets defined portion format properties to all table cells’ portions.
set_text_formatSets defined paragraph format properties to all table cells’ paragraphs.
set_text_formatSets defined text frame format properties to all table cells’ text frames.
remove_placeholderDefines that this shape isn’t a placeholder.
add_placeholderAdds a new placeholder if there is no and sets placeholder properties to a specified one.
get_base_placeholderReturns a basic placeholder shape (shape from the layout and/or master slide that the current shape is inherited from).
A null is returned if the current shape is not inherited.
merge_cellsMerges neighbour cells.

See Also