
GeometryPath class

Represents geometry path of GeometryShape

public sealed class GeometryPath : IGeometryPath


GeometryPath()Creates instance of GeometryPath


FillMode { get; set; }Sets fill mode
PathData { get; }Returns geometry path of GeometryShape as an array of path segments.
Stroke { get; set; }Sets stroke appearance


ArcTo(float, float, float, float)Appends the specified arc to the path.
CloseFigure()Closes the current figure of this path
CubicBezierTo(PointF, PointF, PointF)Adds cubic Bezier curve at the end the path
CubicBezierTo(PointF, PointF, PointF, uint)Adds cubic Bezier curve to the specified place of the path
CubicBezierTo(float, float, float, float, float, float)Adds cubic Bezier curve at the end the path
CubicBezierTo(float, float, float, float, float, float, uint)Adds cubic Bezier curve to the specified place of the path
LineTo(PointF)Adds line to the end of the path
LineTo(float, float)Adds line to the end of the path
LineTo(PointF, uint)Adds line to the specified place of the path
LineTo(float, float, uint)Adds line to the specified place of the path
MoveTo(PointF)Sets next point position.
MoveTo(float, float)Sets next point position.
QuadraticBezierTo(PointF, PointF)Adds quadratic Bezier curve at the end the path
QuadraticBezierTo(PointF, PointF, uint)Adds quadratic Bezier curve to the specified place of the path
QuadraticBezierTo(float, float, float, float)Adds quadratic Bezier curve at the end the path
QuadraticBezierTo(float, float, float, float, uint)Adds quadratic Bezier curve to the specified place of the path
RemoveAt(int)Removes segment at the specified index of the geometry path.

See Also