
IFontFallBackRule interface

Represents font fallback rule

public interface IFontFallBackRule


Count { get; }Gets the number of fonts actually defined for range.
Item { get; }Gets the font name at the specified index.
RangeEndIndex { get; }Get last index of continuous unicode range.
RangeStartIndex { get; }Get first index of continuous unicode range.


AddFallBackFonts(string)Adds a new font(s) to the list of FallBack fonts.
AddFallBackFonts(string[])Adds a new fonts to the list of FallBack fonts.
Clear()Removes all fonts from the list.
IndexOf(string)Returns an index of the specified rule in the collection.
Remove(string)Removes the first occurrence of a specific FallBack font from the list.
RemoveAt(int)Removes the FallBack font at the specified index of the list.
ToArray()Creates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts for this rule.
ToArray(int, int)Creates and returns an array with all FallBack fonts from the specified range in list.

See Also