
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.slides.PVIObject

All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IGradientStopCollection

public final class GradientStopCollection extends PVIObject implements IGradientStopCollection

Represnts a collection of gradient stops.


size()Returns the number of gradient stops in a collection.
get_Item(int index)Returns the gradient stop by index.
add(float position, Color color)Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection.
addPresetColor(float position, int presetColor)Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection.
addSchemeColor(float position, int schemeColor)Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection.
insert(int index, float position, Color color)Creates the new gradient stop and inserts it at the specified index to the collection.
insertPresetColor(int index, float position, int presetColor)Creates the new gradient stop and inserts it at the specified index to the collection.
insertSchemeColor(int index, float position, int schemeColor)Creates the new gradient stop and inserts it at the specified index to the collection.
removeAt(int index)Removes a gradient stop at the specified index.
clear()Removes all gradient stops from a collection.
iterator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
iteratorJava()Returns a java iterator for the entire collection.
copyTo(System.Array array, int index)Copies all elements from the collection to the specified array.
isSynchronized()Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe).
getSyncRoot()Returns a synchronization root.


public long getVersion()

Version. Read-only long.

Returns: long


public final int size()

Returns the number of gradient stops in a collection. Read-only int .

Returns: int

get_Item(int index)

public final IGradientStop get_Item(int index)

Returns the gradient stop by index.



Returns: IGradientStop

add(float position, Color color)

public final IGradientStop add(float position, Color color)

Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection.


positionfloatPosition of the new gradient stop.
colorjava.awt.ColorColor of the new radient stop.

Returns: IGradientStop - Index of the new gradient stop in the collection.

addPresetColor(float position, int presetColor)

public final IGradientStop addPresetColor(float position, int presetColor)

Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection.


positionfloatPosition of the new gradient stop.
presetColorintColor of the new radient stop.

Returns: IGradientStop - Index of the new gradient stop in the collection.

addSchemeColor(float position, int schemeColor)

public final IGradientStop addSchemeColor(float position, int schemeColor)

Creates the new gradient stop and adds it to the end of collection.


positionfloatPosition of the new gradient stop.
schemeColorintColor of the new radient stop.

Returns: IGradientStop - Index of the new gradient stop in the collection.

insert(int index, float position, Color color)

public final void insert(int index, float position, Color color)

Creates the new gradient stop and inserts it at the specified index to the collection.


indexintIndex in the collection where new gradient stop will be inserted.
positionfloatPosition of the new gradient stop.
colorjava.awt.ColorColor of the new radient stop.

insertPresetColor(int index, float position, int presetColor)

public final void insertPresetColor(int index, float position, int presetColor)

Creates the new gradient stop and inserts it at the specified index to the collection.


indexintIndex in the collection where new gradient stop will be inserted.
positionfloatPosition of the new gradient stop.
presetColorintColor of the new radient stop.

insertSchemeColor(int index, float position, int schemeColor)

public final void insertSchemeColor(int index, float position, int schemeColor)

Creates the new gradient stop and inserts it at the specified index to the collection.


indexintIndex in the collection where new gradient stop will be inserted.
positionfloatPosition of the new gradient stop.
schemeColorintColor of the new radient stop.

removeAt(int index)

public final void removeAt(int index)

Removes a gradient stop at the specified index.


indexintIndex of a gradient stop that should be deleted.


public final void clear()

Removes all gradient stops from a collection.


public final System.Collections.Generic.IGenericEnumerator<IGradientStop> iterator()

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

Returns:<com.aspose.slides.IGradientStop> - A IGenericEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.


public final System.Collections.Generic.IGenericEnumerator<IGradientStop> iteratorJava()

Returns a java iterator for the entire collection.

Returns:<com.aspose.slides.IGradientStop> - An java.util.Iterator for the entire collection.

copyTo(System.Array array, int index)

public final void copyTo(System.Array array, int index)

Copies all elements from the collection to the specified array.


ParameterTypeDescription array.
indexintStarting index in the target array.


public final boolean isSynchronized()

Returns a value indicating whether access to the collection is synchronized (thread-safe). Read-only boolean .

Returns: boolean


public final Object getSyncRoot()

Returns a synchronization root. Read-only Object.

Returns: java.lang.Object