
public interface IBulletFormatEffectiveData

Immutable object which contains effective paragraph bullet formatting properties.

This interface is used as a part of IParagraphFormatEffectiveData.


getType()Returns the bullet type of a paragraph.
getChar()Returns the bullet char of a paragraph.
getActualBulletValue()Returns actual bullet value for parent paragraph.
getFont()Returns the bullet font of a paragraph.
getHeight()Returns the bullet height of a paragraph.
getNumberedBulletStartWith()Returns the first number which is used for group of numbered bullets.
getNumberedBulletStyle()Returns the style of a numbered bullet.
isBulletHardColor()Determines whether the bullet has own color or inherits it from the first portion in the paragraph.
isBulletHardFont()Determines whether the bullet has own font or inherits it from the first portion in the paragraph.
getPicture()Returns the picture used as a bullet in the paragraph.
getFillFormat()Returns the bullet fill format of a paragraph.


public abstract byte getType()

Returns the bullet type of a paragraph. Read-only BulletType.

Returns: byte


public abstract char getChar()

Returns the bullet char of a paragraph. Read-only char.

Returns: char


public abstract String getActualBulletValue()

Returns actual bullet value for parent paragraph. Read-only String.

Returns: java.lang.String


public abstract IFontData getFont()

Returns the bullet font of a paragraph. Read-only IFontData.

Returns: IFontData


public abstract float getHeight()

Returns the bullet height of a paragraph. Read-only float.

Returns: float


public abstract short getNumberedBulletStartWith()

Returns the first number which is used for group of numbered bullets. Read-only short.

Returns: short


public abstract byte getNumberedBulletStyle()

Returns the style of a numbered bullet. Read-only NumberedBulletStyle.

Returns: byte


public abstract boolean isBulletHardColor()

Determines whether the bullet has own color or inherits it from the first portion in the paragraph. Returns true if bullet has own color and false if bullet inherits color from the first portion in the paragraph. Read-only boolean.

Returns: boolean


public abstract boolean isBulletHardFont()

Determines whether the bullet has own font or inherits it from the first portion in the paragraph. Returns true if bullet has own font and true if bullet inherits font from the first portion in the paragraph. Read-only boolean.

Returns: boolean


public abstract IPictureEffectiveData getPicture()

Returns the picture used as a bullet in the paragraph. Read-only IPictureEffectiveData.

Returns: IPictureEffectiveData


public abstract IFillFormatEffectiveData getFillFormat()

Returns the bullet fill format of a paragraph. Read-only IFillFormatEffectiveData.

This example demonstrates retrieving bullet's fill effective data.
 Presentation pres = new Presentation("SomePresentation.pptx");
 try {
     // Assume that the first shape on the first slide is AutoShape with some text...
     // Output information about text paragraphs' bullets
     AutoShape autoShape = (AutoShape)pres.getSlides().get_Item(0).getShapes().get_Item(0);
     for (IParagraph para : autoShape.getTextFrame().getParagraphs())
         IBulletFormatEffectiveData bulletFormatEffective = para.getParagraphFormat().getBullet().getEffective();
         System.out.println("Bullet type: " + bulletFormatEffective.getType());
         if (bulletFormatEffective.getType() != BulletType.None)
             System.out.println("Bullet fill type: " + bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getFillType());
             switch (bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getFillType())
                 case FillType.Solid:
                     System.out.println("Solid fill color: " + bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getSolidFillColor());
                 case FillType.Gradient:
                     System.out.println("Gradient stops count: " + bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getGradientFormat().getGradientStops().size());
                     for (IGradientStopEffectiveData gradStop : bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getGradientFormat().getGradientStops())
                         System.out.println(gradStop.getPosition() + ": " + gradStop.getColor());
                 case FillType.Pattern:
                     System.out.println("Pattern style: " + bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getPatternFormat().getPatternStyle());
                     System.out.println("Fore color: " + bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getPatternFormat().getForeColor());
                     System.out.println("Back color: " + bulletFormatEffective.getFillFormat().getPatternFormat().getBackColor());
 } finally {
     if (pres != null) pres.dispose();

Returns: IFillFormatEffectiveData