
public interface IChartDataCell

Represents cell for chart data.


getRow()Returns the index of the row of worksheet in which the cell is located.
getColumn()Returns the index of the column of worksheet in which the cell is located.
getValue()Gets or sets the value of a cell.
setValue(Object value)Gets or sets the value of a cell.
getFormula()Gets or sets the formula in A1-style.
setFormula(String value)Gets or sets the formula in A1-style.
getR1C1Formula()Gets or sets the formula in R1C1-style.
setR1C1Formula(String value)Gets or sets the formula in R1C1-style.
getChartDataWorksheet()Gets the worksheet.
isHidden()Determines whether the cell is hidden.
getCustomNumberFormat()Gets or sets the custom display format of numbers and dates.
setCustomNumberFormat(String value)Gets or sets the custom display format of numbers and dates.
getPresetNumberFormat()Gets or sets the built-in display format of numbers and dates.
setPresetNumberFormat(byte value)Gets or sets the built-in display format of numbers and dates.
calculate(boolean updateValues)If the cell contains a formula, the value will be updated base on that formula.


public abstract int getRow()

Returns the index of the row of worksheet in which the cell is located. Read-only int.

Returns: int


public abstract int getColumn()

Returns the index of the column of worksheet in which the cell is located. Read-only int.

Returns: int


public abstract Object getValue()

Gets or sets the value of a cell. Read/write Object.

workbook.getCell(0, "F2").setValue(-2.5f);
 workbook.getCell(0, "G3").setValue(6.3f);

Returns: java.lang.Object

setValue(Object value)

public abstract void setValue(Object value)

Gets or sets the value of a cell. Read/write Object.

workbook.getCell(0, "F2").setValue(-2.5f);
 workbook.getCell(0, "G3").setValue(6.3f);




public abstract String getFormula()

Gets or sets the formula in A1-style.

IChartDataCell cell = workbook.getCell(0, "B2");
 cell.setFormula("1 + SUM(F2:H5)");

Returns: java.lang.String

setFormula(String value)

public abstract void setFormula(String value)

Gets or sets the formula in A1-style.

IChartDataCell cell = workbook.getCell(0, "B2");
 cell.setFormula("1 + SUM(F2:H5)");




public abstract String getR1C1Formula()

Gets or sets the formula in R1C1-style.

IChartDataCell cell = workbook.getCell(0, "C2");
 cell.setR1C1Formula("MAX(R2C6:R5C8) / 3");

Returns: java.lang.String

setR1C1Formula(String value)

public abstract void setR1C1Formula(String value)

Gets or sets the formula in R1C1-style.

IChartDataCell cell = workbook.getCell(0, "C2");
 cell.setR1C1Formula("MAX(R2C6:R5C8) / 3");




public abstract IChartDataWorksheet getChartDataWorksheet()

Gets the worksheet. Read-only IChartDataWorksheet.

Returns: IChartDataWorksheet


public abstract boolean isHidden()

Determines whether the cell is hidden. Read-only boolean.

Returns: boolean


public abstract String getCustomNumberFormat()

Gets or sets the custom display format of numbers and dates. If value is empty will be used PresetNumberFormat value. Read/write String.

Returns: java.lang.String

setCustomNumberFormat(String value)

public abstract void setCustomNumberFormat(String value)

Gets or sets the custom display format of numbers and dates. If value is empty will be used PresetNumberFormat value. Read/write String.




public abstract byte getPresetNumberFormat()

Gets or sets the built-in display format of numbers and dates. Preset number must be in [0..22] or [37..49]. Read/write byte.

0	General
 1	0
 2	0.00
 3	#,##0
 4	#,##0.00
 5	$#,##0;$-#,##0
 6	$#,##0;[Red]$-#,##0
 7	$#,##0.00;$-#,##0.00
 8	$#,##0.00;[Red]$-#,##0.00
 9	0%
 10	0.00%
 11	0.00E+00
 12	# ?/?
 13	# /
 14	m/d/yy
 15	d-mmm-yy
 16	d-mmm
 17	mmm-yy
 18	h:mm AM/PM
 19	h:mm:ss AM/PM
 20	h:mm
 21	h:mm:ss
 22	m/d/yy h:mm
 37	#,##0;-#,##0
 38	#,##0;[Red]-#,##0
 39	#,##0.00;-#,##0.00
 40	#,##0.00;[Red]-#,##0.00
 41	_ * #,##0_ ;_ * "_ ;_ @_
 42	_ $* #,##0_ ;_ $* "_ ;_ @_
 43	_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * "??_ ;_ @_
 44	_ $* #,##0.00_ ;_ $* "??_ ;_ @_
 45	mm:ss
 46	h :mm:ss
 47	mm:ss.0
 48	##0.0E+00
 49	@

Returns: byte

setPresetNumberFormat(byte value)

public abstract void setPresetNumberFormat(byte value)

Gets or sets the built-in display format of numbers and dates. Preset number must be in [0..22] or [37..49]. Read/write byte.

0	General
 1	0
 2	0.00
 3	#,##0
 4	#,##0.00
 5	$#,##0;$-#,##0
 6	$#,##0;[Red]$-#,##0
 7	$#,##0.00;$-#,##0.00
 8	$#,##0.00;[Red]$-#,##0.00
 9	0%
 10	0.00%
 11	0.00E+00
 12	# ?/?
 13	# /
 14	m/d/yy
 15	d-mmm-yy
 16	d-mmm
 17	mmm-yy
 18	h:mm AM/PM
 19	h:mm:ss AM/PM
 20	h:mm
 21	h:mm:ss
 22	m/d/yy h:mm
 37	#,##0;-#,##0
 38	#,##0;[Red]-#,##0
 39	#,##0.00;-#,##0.00
 40	#,##0.00;[Red]-#,##0.00
 41	_ * #,##0_ ;_ * "_ ;_ @_
 42	_ $* #,##0_ ;_ $* "_ ;_ @_
 43	_ * #,##0.00_ ;_ * "??_ ;_ @_
 44	_ $* #,##0.00_ ;_ $* "??_ ;_ @_
 45	mm:ss
 46	h :mm:ss
 47	mm:ss.0
 48	##0.0E+00
 49	@



calculate(boolean updateValues)

public abstract void calculate(boolean updateValues)

If the cell contains a formula, the value will be updated base on that formula.


updateValuesbooleanIf false, no actual calculation will be performed. Use true for possible exceptions check.