
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.slides.PVIObject

All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IImageTransformOperationCollection

public final class ImageTransformOperationCollection extends PVIObject implements IImageTransformOperationCollection

Represents a collection of effects apllied to an image.


get_Item(int index)Returns an ImageTransformOperation from the collection by it’s index.
removeAt(int index)Removes an image effect from a collection at the specified index.
addAlphaBiLevelEffect(float threshold)Adds the new Alpha Bi-Level effect to the end of a collection.
addAlphaCeilingEffect()Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection.
addAlphaFloorEffect()Adds the new Alpha Floor effect to the end of a collection.
addAlphaInverseEffect()Adds the new Alpha Inverse effect to the end of a collection.
addAlphaModulateEffect()Adds the new Alpha Modulate effect to the end of a collection.
addAlphaModulateFixedEffect(float amount)Adds the new Alpha Modulate Fixed effect to the end of a collection.
addAlphaReplaceEffect(float alpha)Adds the new Alpha Replace effect to the end of a collection.
addBiLevelEffect(float threshold)Adds the new Bi-Level (black/white) effect to the end of a collection.
addBlurEffect(double radius, boolean grow)Adds the new Blur effect to the end of a collection.
addColorChangeEffect()Adds the new Color Change effect to the end of a collection.
addColorReplaceEffect()Adds the new Color Replacement effect to the end of a collection.
addDuotoneEffect()Adds the new Duotone effect to the end of a collection.
addFillOverlayEffect()Adds the new Fill Overlay effect to the end of a collection.
addGrayScaleEffect()Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection.
addHSLEffect(float hue, float saturation, float luminance)Adds the new Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect to the end of a collection.
addLuminanceEffect(float brightness, float contrast)Adds the new Luminance effect to the end of a collection.
addTintEffect(float hue, float amount)Adds the new Tint effect to the end of a collection.
size()Returns the number of image effects in a collection.
isReadOnly()Gets a value indicating whether the IGenericCollection is read-only.
addItem(IImageTransformOperation operation)Adds the new image effect to the end of a collection.
clear()Removes all image effects from a collection.
containsItem(IImageTransformOperation item)Determines whether the IGenericCollection contains a specific value.
copyToTArray(IImageTransformOperation[] array, int arrayIndex)Copies the elements of the IGenericCollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.
removeItem(IImageTransformOperation item)Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the IGenericCollection.
iterator()Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.
iteratorJava()Returns a java iterator for the entire collection.


public long getVersion()

Version. Read-only long.

Returns: long

get_Item(int index)

public final IImageTransformOperation get_Item(int index)

Returns an ImageTransformOperation from the collection by it’s index.


indexintIndex of element.

Returns: IImageTransformOperation - The IImageTransformOperation object.

removeAt(int index)

public final void removeAt(int index)

Removes an image effect from a collection at the specified index.


indexintIndex of an image effect that should be deleted.

addAlphaBiLevelEffect(float threshold)

public final IAlphaBiLevel addAlphaBiLevelEffect(float threshold)

Adds the new Alpha Bi-Level effect to the end of a collection.


thresholdfloatThe threshold value for the alpha bi-level effect.

Returns: IAlphaBiLevel - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IAlphaCeiling addAlphaCeilingEffect()

Adds the new Alpha Ceiling effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IAlphaCeiling - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IAlphaFloor addAlphaFloorEffect()

Adds the new Alpha Floor effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IAlphaFloor - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IAlphaInverse addAlphaInverseEffect()

Adds the new Alpha Inverse effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IAlphaInverse - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IAlphaModulate addAlphaModulateEffect()

Adds the new Alpha Modulate effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IAlphaModulate - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addAlphaModulateFixedEffect(float amount)

public final IAlphaModulateFixed addAlphaModulateFixedEffect(float amount)

Adds the new Alpha Modulate Fixed effect to the end of a collection.


amountfloatThe percentage amount to scale the alpha.

Returns: IAlphaModulateFixed - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addAlphaReplaceEffect(float alpha)

public final IAlphaReplace addAlphaReplaceEffect(float alpha)

Adds the new Alpha Replace effect to the end of a collection.


alphafloatThe new opacity value.

Returns: IAlphaReplace - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addBiLevelEffect(float threshold)

public final IBiLevel addBiLevelEffect(float threshold)

Adds the new Bi-Level (black/white) effect to the end of a collection.


thresholdfloatthe luminance threshold for the Bi-Level effect. Values greater than or equal to the threshold are set to white. Values lesser than the threshold are set to black.

Returns: IBiLevel - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addBlurEffect(double radius, boolean grow)

public final IBlur addBlurEffect(double radius, boolean grow)

Adds the new Blur effect to the end of a collection.


radiusdoubleThe radius of blur.
growbooleanSpecifies whether the bounds of the object should be grown as a result of the blurring. True indicates the bounds are grown while false indicates that they are not.

Returns: IBlur - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IColorChange addColorChangeEffect()

Adds the new Color Change effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IColorChange - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IColorReplace addColorReplaceEffect()

Adds the new Color Replacement effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IColorReplace - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IDuotone addDuotoneEffect()

Adds the new Duotone effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IDuotone - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IFillOverlay addFillOverlayEffect()

Adds the new Fill Overlay effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IFillOverlay - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final IGrayScale addGrayScaleEffect()

Adds the new Gray Scale effect to the end of a collection.

Returns: IGrayScale - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addHSLEffect(float hue, float saturation, float luminance)

public final IHSL addHSLEffect(float hue, float saturation, float luminance)

Adds the new Hue/Saturation/Luminance effect to the end of a collection.


huefloatThe number of degrees by which the hue is adjusted.
saturationfloatThe percentage by which the saturation is adjusted.
luminancefloatThe percentage by which the luminance is adjusted.

Returns: IHSL - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addLuminanceEffect(float brightness, float contrast)

public final ILuminance addLuminanceEffect(float brightness, float contrast)

Adds the new Luminance effect to the end of a collection.


brightnessfloatThe percent to change the brightness.
contrastfloatThe percent to change the contrast.

Returns: ILuminance - Index of the new image effect in a collection.

addTintEffect(float hue, float amount)

public final ITint addTintEffect(float hue, float amount)

Adds the new Tint effect to the end of a collection.


huefloatThe hue towards which to tint.
amountfloatSpecifies by how much the color value is shifted.

Returns: ITint - Index of the new image effect in a collection.


public final int size()

Returns the number of image effects in a collection. Read-only int .

Returns: int


public final boolean isReadOnly()

Gets a value indicating whether the IGenericCollection is read-only. Read-only boolean.

Returns: boolean - true if the IGenericCollection is read-only; otherwise, false.

addItem(IImageTransformOperation operation)

public final void addItem(IImageTransformOperation operation)

Adds the new image effect to the end of a collection.


operationIImageTransformOperationThe image effect to add to the end of a collection.


public final void clear()

Removes all image effects from a collection.

containsItem(IImageTransformOperation item)

public final boolean containsItem(IImageTransformOperation item)

Determines whether the IGenericCollection contains a specific value.


itemIImageTransformOperationThe object to locate in the IGenericCollection.

Returns: boolean - true if item is found in the IGenericCollection; otherwise, false.

copyToTArray(IImageTransformOperation[] array, int arrayIndex)

public final void copyToTArray(IImageTransformOperation[] array, int arrayIndex)

Copies the elements of the IGenericCollection to an Array, starting at a particular Array index.


arrayIImageTransformOperation[]The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from IGenericCollection. The Array must have zero-based indexing.
arrayIndexintThe zero-based index in array at which copying begins.

removeItem(IImageTransformOperation item)

public final boolean removeItem(IImageTransformOperation item)

Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the IGenericCollection.


itemIImageTransformOperationThe object to remove from the IGenericCollection.

Returns: boolean - true if item was successfully removed from the IGenericCollection; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if item is not found in the original IGenericCollection.


public final System.Collections.Generic.IGenericEnumerator<IImageTransformOperation> iterator()

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection.

Returns:<com.aspose.slides.IImageTransformOperation> - A IGenericEnumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection.


public final System.Collections.Generic.IGenericEnumerator<IImageTransformOperation> iteratorJava()

Returns a java iterator for the entire collection.

Returns:<com.aspose.slides.IImageTransformOperation> - An java.util.Iterator for the entire collection.