
Inheritance: java.lang.Object, com.aspose.slides.BaseSlide

All Implemented Interfaces: com.aspose.slides.IMasterSlide

public class MasterSlide extends BaseSlide implements IMasterSlide

Represents a master slide in a presentation.


getHeaderFooterManager()Returns HeaderFooter manager of the master slide.
applyExternalThemeToDependingSlides(String fname)Creates a new master slide based on the current one, applying an external theme to it and applies the created master slide to all dependent slides.
getTitleStyle()Returns the style of a title text.
getBodyStyle()Returns the style of a body text.
getOtherStyle()Returns the style of an other text.
getLayoutSlides()Returns the collection of child layout slides for this master slide.
getPreserve()Determines whether the corresponding master is deleted when all the slides that follow that master are deleted.
setPreserve(boolean value)Determines whether the corresponding master is deleted when all the slides that follow that master are deleted.
getDependingSlides()Returns an array with all slides, which depend on this master slide.
hasDependingSlides()Returns true if there exists at least one slide that depends on this master slide.
getThemeManager()Returns the theme manager.
getName()Returns or sets the name of a master slide.
setName(String value)Returns or sets the name of a master slide.
getShowMasterShapes()Specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides or not.
setShowMasterShapes(boolean value)Specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides or not.


public final IMasterSlideHeaderFooterManager getHeaderFooterManager()

Returns HeaderFooter manager of the master slide. Read-only IMasterSlideHeaderFooterManager.

Returns: IMasterSlideHeaderFooterManager

applyExternalThemeToDependingSlides(String fname)

public final IMasterSlide applyExternalThemeToDependingSlides(String fname)

Creates a new master slide based on the current one, applying an external theme to it and applies the created master slide to all dependent slides.


fnamejava.lang.StringPath to the external theme file (.thmx).

Returns: IMasterSlide - New themed MasterSlide.


public final ITextStyle getTitleStyle()

Returns the style of a title text. Read-only ITextStyle.

Returns: ITextStyle


public final ITextStyle getBodyStyle()

Returns the style of a body text. Read-only ITextStyle.

Returns: ITextStyle


public final ITextStyle getOtherStyle()

Returns the style of an other text. Read-only ITextStyle.

Returns: ITextStyle


public final IMasterLayoutSlideCollection getLayoutSlides()

Returns the collection of child layout slides for this master slide. Read-only IMasterLayoutSlideCollection.

You can access to alternative API for adding/inserting/removing/cloning layout slides by using (IPresentation.getLayoutSlides) property.

Returns: IMasterLayoutSlideCollection


public final boolean getPreserve()

Determines whether the corresponding master is deleted when all the slides that follow that master are deleted. Note: Aspose.Slides will never remove any unused master by itself, to actually remove unused masters call MasterSlideCollection.removeUnused(boolean) Read/write boolean .

Returns: boolean

setPreserve(boolean value)

public final void setPreserve(boolean value)

Determines whether the corresponding master is deleted when all the slides that follow that master are deleted. Note: Aspose.Slides will never remove any unused master by itself, to actually remove unused masters call MasterSlideCollection.removeUnused(boolean) Read/write boolean .




public final ISlide[] getDependingSlides()

Returns an array with all slides, which depend on this master slide.

Returns: com.aspose.slides.ISlide[] - Array of ISlide


public final boolean hasDependingSlides()

Returns true if there exists at least one slide that depends on this master slide. Read-only boolean .

Returns: boolean


public final IMasterThemeManager getThemeManager()

Returns the theme manager. Read-only IMasterThemeManager.

Returns: IMasterThemeManager


public String getName()

Returns or sets the name of a master slide. Read/write String.

Returns: java.lang.String

setName(String value)

public void setName(String value)

Returns or sets the name of a master slide. Read/write String.




public boolean getShowMasterShapes()

Specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides or not. For master slide itself this property always returns false . Read/write boolean .

Returns: boolean

setShowMasterShapes(boolean value)

public void setShowMasterShapes(boolean value)

Specifies if shapes on the master slide should be shown on slides or not. For master slide itself this property always returns false . Read/write boolean .

