DataLabelShapeType Enum

DataLabelShapeType Enum

Specifies the preset shape geometry that is to be used for a chart.

type DataLabelShapeType int32


RectRepresents the rectangle shape.
RoundRectRepresents the round rectangle shape.
EllipseRepresents the ellipse shape.
RightArrowCalloutRepresents the right arrow callout shape.
DownArrowCalloutRepresents the down arrow callout shape.
LeftArrowCalloutRepresents the left arrow callout shape.
UpArrowCalloutRepresents the up arrow callout shape.
WedgeRectCalloutRepresents the wedge rectangle callout shape.
WedgeRoundRectCalloutRepresents the wedge round rectangle callout shape.
WedgeEllipseCalloutRepresents the wedge ellipse callout shape.
LineCalloutRepresents the line callout shape.
BentLineCalloutRepresents the bent line callout shape.
LineWithAccentBarCalloutRepresents the line with accent bar callout shape.
BentLineWithAccentBarCalloutRepresents the bent line with accent bar callout shape.
LineThis type is only used for special file processing