DisplayUnitType Enum

DisplayUnitType Enum

Represents the type of display unit of chart’s axis.

type DisplayUnitType int32


NoneDisplay unit is None.
HundredsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100.
ThousandsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000.
TenThousandsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000.
HundredThousandsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000.
MillionsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000.
TenMillionsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 10,000,000.
HundredMillionsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 100,000,000.
BillionsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000.
TrillionsSpecifies the values on the chart shall be divided by 1,000,000,000,000.
PercentageThe values on the chart shall be divided by 0.01.
Custspecifies a custom value for the display unit.
Customspecifies a custom value for the display unit.