GlobalizationSettings Class

GlobalizationSettings class

Represents the globalization settings.

type GlobalizationSettings struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewGlobalizationSettingsDefault constructor.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetChartSettingsGets the globalization settings for Chart.
SetChartSettingsSets the globalization settings for Chart.
GetPivotSettingsGets the globalization settings for pivot table.
SetPivotSettingsSets the globalization settings for pivot table.
GetTotalNameGets the total name of the function.
GetGrandTotalNameGets the grand total name of the function.
GetDefaultSheetNameGets the default sheet name for adding worksheet automatically.Default is “Sheet”.
GetTableRowTypeOfHeadersGets the type name of table rows that consists of the table header.Default is “Headers”, so in formula “#Headers” represents the table header.
GetTableRowTypeOfDataGets the type name of table rows that consists of data region of referenced table.Default is “Data”, so in formula “#Data” represents the data region of the table.
GetTableRowTypeOfAllGets the type name of table rows that consists of all rows in referenced table.Default is “All”, so in formula “#All” represents all rows in referenced table.
GetTableRowTypeOfTotalsGets the type name of table rows that consists of the total row of referenced table.Default is “Totals”, so in formula “#Totals” represents the total row of referenced table.
GetTableRowTypeOfCurrentGets the type name of table rows that consists of the current row in referenced table.Default is “This Row”, so in formula “#This Row” represents the current row in referenced table.
GetErrorValueStringGets the display string value for cell’s error value
GetBooleanValueStringGets the display string value for cell’s boolean value
GetLocalFunctionNameGets the locale dependent function name according to given standard function name.
GetStandardFunctionNameGets the standard function name according to given locale dependent function name.
GetLocalBuiltInNameGets the locale dependent text for built-in Name according to given standard text.
GetStandardBuiltInNameGets the standard text of built-in Name according to given locale dependent text.
GetListSeparatorGets the separator for list, parameters of function, …etc.
GetRowSeparatorOfFormulaArrayGets the separator for rows in array data in formula.
GetColumnSeparatorOfFormulaArrayGets the separator for the items in array’s row data in formula.
GetStandardHeaderFooterFontStyleNameGets standard English font style name(Regular, Bold, Italic) for Header/Footer according to given locale font style name.
GetCommentTitleNameGets the locale dependent comment title name according to comment title type.
CompareCompares two string values according to certain collation rules.