JsonLayoutOptions Class

JsonLayoutOptions class

Represents the options of json layout type.

type JsonLayoutOptions struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewJsonLayoutOptionsConstructor of loading JSON layout options.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetArrayAsTableProcesses Array as table.
SetArrayAsTableProcesses Array as table.
GetIgnoreNullIndicates whether ignoring null value.
SetIgnoreNullIndicates whether ignoring null value.
GetIgnoreTitleIngores titles of attributes
SetIgnoreTitleIngores titles of attributes
GetConvertNumericOrDateIndicates whether converting the string in json to numeric or date value.
SetConvertNumericOrDateIndicates whether converting the string in json to numeric or date value.
Get_NumberFormatGets and sets the format of numeric value.
SetNumberFormatGets and sets the format of numeric value.
Get_DateFormatGets and sets the format of date value.
SetDateFormatGets and sets the format of date value.
GetTitleStyleGets and sets the style of the title.
SetTitleStyleGets and sets the style of the title.
GetKeptSchemaIndicates whether keeping schema of this json.
SetKeptSchemaIndicates whether keeping schema of this json.