PivotTable Class

PivotTable class

Summary description for PivotTable.

type PivotTable struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
DisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, orresetting unmanaged resources.
IsExcel2003CompatibleSpecifies whether the PivotTable is compatible for Excel2003 when refreshing PivotTable,if true, a string must be less than or equal to 255 characters, so if the string is greater than 255 characters,it will be truncated. if false, a string will not have the aforementioned restriction.The default value is true.
SetIsExcel2003CompatibleSpecifies whether the PivotTable is compatible for Excel2003 when refreshing PivotTable,if true, a string must be less than or equal to 255 characters, so if the string is greater than 255 characters,it will be truncated. if false, a string will not have the aforementioned restriction.The default value is true.
GetRefreshedByWhoGets the name of the last user who refreshed this PivotTable
GetRefreshDateGets the last date time when the PivotTable was refreshed.
GetPivotTableStyleNameGets and sets the pivottable style name.
SetPivotTableStyleNameGets and sets the pivottable style name.
GetPivotTableStyleTypeGets and sets the built-in pivot table style.
SetPivotTableStyleTypeGets and sets the built-in pivot table style.
CopyStyleCopies named style from another pivot table.
ShowReportFilterPageShow all the report filter pages according to PivotField, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
ShowReportFilterPageByNameShow all the report filter pages according to PivotField’s name, the PivotField must be located in the PageFields.
ShowReportFilterPageByIndexShow all the report filter pages according to the position index in the PageFields
RemoveField_PivotFieldType_StringRemoves a field from specific field area
RemoveField_PivotFieldType_IntRemoves a field from specific field area
RemoveField_PivotFieldType_PivotFieldRemove field from specific field area
AddFieldToArea_PivotFieldType_StringAdds the field to the specific area.
AddFieldToArea_PivotFieldType_IntAdds the field to the specific area.
AddFieldToArea_PivotFieldType_PivotFieldAdds the field to the specific area.
AddCalculatedField_String_String_BoolAdds a calculated field to pivot field.
AddCalculatedField_String_StringAdds a calculated field to pivot field and drag it to data area.
GetFieldsGets the specific pivot field list by the region.
GetColumnFieldsReturns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as column fields.
GetRowFieldsReturns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as row fields.
GetPageFieldsReturns a PivotFields object that are currently shown as page fields.
GetDataFieldsGets a PivotField object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable.Read-only.It would be init only when there are two or more data fields in the DataPiovtFiels.It only use to add DataPivotField to the PivotTable row/column area . Default is in row area.
GetDataFieldGets a object that represents all the data fields in a PivotTable.Read-only.It would only be created when there are two or more data fields in the Data region.Defaultly it is in row region. You can drag it to the row/column region with PivotTable.AddFieldToArea() method .
GetBaseFieldsReturns all base pivot fields in the PivotTable.
GetPivotFiltersReturns a list of pivot filters.
GetColumnRangeReturns a CellArea object that represents the rangethat contains the column area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
GetRowRangeReturns a CellArea object that represents the rangethat contains the row area in the PivotTable report. Read-only.
GetDataBodyRangeReturns a object that represents the range that contains the data areain the list between the header row and the insert row. Read-only.
GetTableRange1Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report,but doesn’t include page fields. Read-only.
GetTableRange2Returns a CellArea object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report,includes page fields. Read-only.
Move_Int_IntMoves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
Move_StringMoves the PivotTable to a different location in the worksheet.
GetColumnGrandIndicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for columns.
SetColumnGrandIndicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for columns.
IsGridDropZonesIndicates whether the PivotTable report displays classic pivottable layout.(enables dragging fields in the grid)
SetIsGridDropZonesIndicates whether the PivotTable report displays classic pivottable layout.(enables dragging fields in the grid)
GetRowGrandIndicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for rows.
SetRowGrandIndicates whether the PivotTable report shows grand totals for rows.
GetDisplayNullStringIndicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string if the value is null.
SetDisplayNullStringIndicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string if the value is null.
GetNullStringGets the string displayed in cells that contain null valueswhen the DisplayNullString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
SetNullStringGets the string displayed in cells that contain null valueswhen the DisplayNullString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
GetDisplayErrorStringIndicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string in cells that contain errors.
SetDisplayErrorStringIndicates whether the PivotTable report displays a custom string in cells that contain errors.
GetDataFieldHeaderNameGets and sets the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
SetDataFieldHeaderNameGets and sets the name of the value area field header in the PivotTable.
GetErrorStringGets the string displayed in cells that contain errorswhen the DisplayErrorString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
SetErrorStringGets the string displayed in cells that contain errorswhen the DisplayErrorString property is true.The default value is an empty string.
IsAutoFormatIndicates whether the PivotTable report is automatically formatted.Checkbox “autoformat table " which is in pivottable option for Excel 2003
SetIsAutoFormatIndicates whether the PivotTable report is automatically formatted.Checkbox “autoformat table " which is in pivottable option for Excel 2003
GetAutofitColumnWidthOnUpdateIndicates whether autofitting column width on update
SetAutofitColumnWidthOnUpdateIndicates whether autofitting column width on update
GetAutoFormatTypeGets and sets the auto format type of PivotTable.
SetAutoFormatTypeGets and sets the auto format type of PivotTable.
GetHasBlankRowsIndicates whether to add blank rows.This property only applies for the PivotTable auto format types which needs to add blank rows.
SetHasBlankRowsIndicates whether to add blank rows.This property only applies for the PivotTable auto format types which needs to add blank rows.
GetMergeLabelsTrue if the specified PivotTable report’s outer-row item, column item, subtotal, and grand total labels use merged cells.
SetMergeLabelsTrue if the specified PivotTable report’s outer-row item, column item, subtotal, and grand total labels use merged cells.
GetPreserveFormattingIndicates whether formatting is preserved when the PivotTable is refreshed or recalculated.
SetPreserveFormattingIndicates whether formatting is preserved when the PivotTable is refreshed or recalculated.
GetShowDrillGets and sets whether showing expand/collapse buttons.
SetShowDrillGets and sets whether showing expand/collapse buttons.
GetEnableDrilldownGets whether drilldown is enabled.
SetEnableDrilldownGets whether drilldown is enabled.
GetEnableFieldDialogIndicates whether the PivotTable Field dialog box is availablewhen the user double-clicks the PivotTable field.
SetEnableFieldDialogIndicates whether the PivotTable Field dialog box is availablewhen the user double-clicks the PivotTable field.
GetEnableFieldListGets whether enable the field list for the PivotTable.
SetEnableFieldListGets whether enable the field list for the PivotTable.
GetEnableWizardIndicates whether the PivotTable Wizard is available.
SetEnableWizardIndicates whether the PivotTable Wizard is available.
GetSubtotalHiddenPageItemsIndicates whether hidden page field items in the PivotTable reportare included in row and column subtotals, block totals, and grand totals.The default value is False.
SetSubtotalHiddenPageItemsIndicates whether hidden page field items in the PivotTable reportare included in row and column subtotals, block totals, and grand totals.The default value is False.
GetGrandTotalNameReturns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading.The default value is the string “Grand Total”.
SetGrandTotalNameReturns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading.The default value is the string “Grand Total”.
GetManualUpdateIndicates whether the PivotTable report is recalculated only at the user’s request.
SetManualUpdateIndicates whether the PivotTable report is recalculated only at the user’s request.
IsMultipleFieldFiltersSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
SetIsMultipleFieldFiltersSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
GetMissingItemsLimitSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
SetMissingItemsLimitSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether the fields of a PivotTable can have multiple filters set on them.
GetEnableDataValueEditingSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the cells in the data area of the pivottable.Enable cell editing in the values area
SetEnableDataValueEditingSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether the user is allowed to edit the cells in the data area of the pivottable.Enable cell editing in the values area
GetShowDataTipsSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether tooltips should be displayed for PivotTable data cells.
SetShowDataTipsSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether tooltips should be displayed for PivotTable data cells.
GetShowMemberPropertyTipsSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether member property information should be omitted from PivotTable tooltips.
SetShowMemberPropertyTipsSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether member property information should be omitted from PivotTable tooltips.
GetShowValuesRowIndicates whether showing values row.
SetShowValuesRowIndicates whether showing values row.
GetShowEmptyColSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty columns in the table
SetShowEmptyColSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty columns in the table
GetShowEmptyRowSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty rows in the table.
SetShowEmptyRowSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether to include empty rows in the table.
GetFieldListSortAscendingIndicates whether fields in the PivotTable are sorted in non-default order in the field list.
SetFieldListSortAscendingIndicates whether fields in the PivotTable are sorted in non-default order in the field list.
GetPrintDrillSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether drill indicators should be printed.print expand/collapse buttons when displayed on pivottable.
SetPrintDrillSpecifies a boolean value that indicates whether drill indicators should be printed.print expand/collapse buttons when displayed on pivottable.
GetAltTextTitleGets and sets the title of the alter text.
SetAltTextTitleGets and sets the title of the alter text.
GetAltTextDescriptionGets the description of the alt text.
SetAltTextDescriptionGets the description of the alt text.
GetNameGets the name of the PivotTable
SetNameGets the name of the PivotTable
GetColumnHeaderCaptionGets the Column Header Caption of the PivotTable.
SetColumnHeaderCaptionGets the Column Header Caption of the PivotTable.
GetIndentSpecifies the indentation increment for compact axis and can be used to set the Report Layout to Compact Form.
SetIndentSpecifies the indentation increment for compact axis and can be used to set the Report Layout to Compact Form.
GetRowHeaderCaptionGets the Row Header Caption of the PivotTable.
SetRowHeaderCaptionGets the Row Header Caption of the PivotTable.
GetShowRowHeaderCaptionIndicates whether row header caption is shown in the PivotTable reportIndicates whether Display field captions and filter drop downs
SetShowRowHeaderCaptionIndicates whether row header caption is shown in the PivotTable reportIndicates whether Display field captions and filter drop downs
GetCustomListSortIndicates whether consider built-in custom list when sort data
SetCustomListSortIndicates whether consider built-in custom list when sort data
GetPivotFormatConditionsGets the Format Conditions of the pivot table.
GetPageFieldOrderGets and sets the order in which page fields are added to the PivotTable report’s layout.
SetPageFieldOrderGets and sets the order in which page fields are added to the PivotTable report’s layout.
GetPageFieldWrapCountGets the number of page fields in each column or row in the PivotTable report.
SetPageFieldWrapCountGets the number of page fields in each column or row in the PivotTable report.
GetTagGets a string saved with the PivotTable report.
SetTagGets a string saved with the PivotTable report.
GetSaveDataIndicates whether data for the PivotTable report is saved with the workbook.
SetSaveDataIndicates whether data for the PivotTable report is saved with the workbook.
GetRefreshDataOnOpeningFileIndicates whether Refresh Data when Opening File.
SetRefreshDataOnOpeningFileIndicates whether Refresh Data when Opening File.
GetRefreshDataFlagIndicates whether Refreshing Data or not.
SetRefreshDataFlagIndicates whether Refreshing Data or not.
GetSourceTypeGets the data source type of the pivot table.
RefreshDataRefreshes pivottable’s data and setting from it’s data source.
RefreshData_PivotTableRefreshOptionRefreshes pivottable’s data and setting from it’s data source with options.
CalculateDataCalculates pivottable’s data to cells.
CalculateData_PivotTableCalculateOptionCalculating pivot tables with options
ClearDataClear PivotTable’s data and formatting
CalculateRangeCalculates pivottable’s range.
FormatAllFormat all the cell in the pivottable area
FormatRowFormat the row data in the pivottable area
Format_PivotArea_StyleFormats selected area of the PivotTable.
ShowDetailShow the detail of one item in the data region to a new Table.
GetPivotFormatsGets the collection of formats applied to PivotTable.
Format_Int_Int_StyleFormat the cell in the pivottable area
GetRepeatItemsOnEachPrintedPageIndicates whether pivot item captions on the row area are repeated on each printed page for pivot fields in tabular form.
SetRepeatItemsOnEachPrintedPageIndicates whether pivot item captions on the row area are repeated on each printed page for pivot fields in tabular form.
GetPrintTitlesIndicates whether the print titles for the worksheet are set basedon the PivotTable report. The default value is false.
SetPrintTitlesIndicates whether the print titles for the worksheet are set basedon the PivotTable report. The default value is false.
GetDisplayImmediateItemsIndicates whether items in the row and column areas are visiblewhen the data area of the PivotTable is empty. The default value is true.
SetDisplayImmediateItemsIndicates whether items in the row and column areas are visiblewhen the data area of the PivotTable is empty. The default value is true.
IsSelectedIndicates whether this PivotTable is selected.
SetIsSelectedIndicates whether this PivotTable is selected.
GetShowPivotStyleRowHeaderIndicates whether the row header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
SetShowPivotStyleRowHeaderIndicates whether the row header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
GetShowPivotStyleColumnHeaderIndicates whether the column header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
SetShowPivotStyleColumnHeaderIndicates whether the column header in the pivot table should have the style applied.
GetShowPivotStyleRowStripesIndicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
SetShowPivotStyleRowStripesIndicates whether row stripe formatting is applied.
GetShowPivotStyleColumnStripesIndicates whether stripe formatting is applied for column.
SetShowPivotStyleColumnStripesIndicates whether stripe formatting is applied for column.
GetShowPivotStyleLastColumnIndicates whether the column formatting is applied.
SetShowPivotStyleLastColumnIndicates whether the column formatting is applied.
ShowInCompactFormLayouts the PivotTable in compact form.
ShowInOutlineFormLayouts the PivotTable in outline form.
ShowInTabularFormLayouts the PivotTable in tabular form.
GetCellByDisplayNameGets the object by the display name of PivotField.