RevisionCellChange Class

RevisionCellChange class

Represents the revision that changing cells.

type RevisionCellChange struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewRevisionCellChangeConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetTypeRepresents the type of revision.
GetCellNameGets the name of the cell.
GetRowGets the row index of the cell.
GetColumnGets the column index of the cell.
IsNewFormattedIndicates whether this cell is new formatted.
IsOldFormattedIndicates whether this cell is old formatted.
GetOldFormulaGets the old formula.
GetOldValueGets old value of the cell.
GetNewValueGets new value of the cell.
GetNewFormulaGets the old formula.
GetNewStyleGets the new style of the cell.
GetOldStyleGets the old style of the cell.
GetWorksheetGets the worksheet.
GetIdGets the number of this revision.