SaveFormat Enum
]SaveFormat Enum
Represents the format in which the workbook is saved.
type SaveFormat int32
Field | Description |
Csv | Comma-Separated Values(CSV) text file. |
Xlsx | Represents an xlsx file. |
Xlsm | Represents an xlsm file which enable macros. |
Xltx | Represents an xltx file. |
Xltm | Represents an xltm file which enable macros. |
Xlam | Represents an xltm file which enable addin macros. |
Tsv | Tab-Separated Values(TSV) text file. |
Html | Represents a html file. |
MHtml | Represents a mhtml file. |
Ods | Open Document Sheet(ODS) file. |
Excel97To2003 | Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file. |
SpreadsheetML | Represents an Excel 2003 xml file. |
Xlsb | Represents an xlsb file. |
Auto | If saving the file to the disk,the file format accords to the extension of the file name.If saving the file to the stream, the file format is xlsx. |
Unknown | Represents unrecognized format, cannot be saved. |
Represents a Pdf file. | |
Xps | XPS (XML Paper Specification) format. |
Tiff | Represents a TIFF file. |
Svg | SVG file. |
Dif | Data Interchange Format. |
Ots | Open Document Template Sheet(OTS) file. |
Xlt | Excel 97-2003 template file. |
Xml | Represents a simple xml file. |
Numbers | Represents a numbers file. |
Markdown | Represents markdown document. |
Fods | Represents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format. |
Sxc | Represents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format. |
Pptx | Represents .pptx file. |
Docx | Represents .docx file. |
Emf | Windows Enhanced Metafile. |
Jpg | JPEG JFIF. |
Png | Portable Network Graphics. |
Bmp | Windows Bitmap |
Gif | Gif |
Json | Json |
SqlScript | Sql |
XHtml | Rrepesents XHtml file. |
Epub | Represents Epub file. |
Azw3 | Represents Azw3 file. |
Pcl | PCL (Printer Command Language) |