SaveFormat Enum

SaveFormat Enum

Represents the format in which the workbook is saved.

type SaveFormat int32


CsvComma-Separated Values(CSV) text file.
XlsxRepresents an xlsx file.
XlsmRepresents an xlsm file which enable macros.
XltxRepresents an xltx file.
XltmRepresents an xltm file which enable macros.
XlamRepresents an xltm file which enable addin macros.
TsvTab-Separated Values(TSV) text file.
HtmlRepresents a html file.
MHtmlRepresents a mhtml file.
OdsOpen Document Sheet(ODS) file.
Excel97To2003Represents an Excel97-2003 xls file.
SpreadsheetMLRepresents an Excel 2003 xml file.
XlsbRepresents an xlsb file.
AutoIf saving the file to the disk,the file format accords to the extension of the file name.If saving the file to the stream, the file format is xlsx.
UnknownRepresents unrecognized format, cannot be saved.
PdfRepresents a Pdf file.
XpsXPS (XML Paper Specification) format.
TiffRepresents a TIFF file.
SvgSVG file.
DifData Interchange Format.
OtsOpen Document Template Sheet(OTS) file.
XltExcel 97-2003 template file.
XmlRepresents a simple xml file.
NumbersRepresents a numbers file.
MarkdownRepresents markdown document.
FodsRepresents OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet (.fods) file format.
SxcRepresents StarOffice Calc Spreadsheet (.sxc) file format.
PptxRepresents .pptx file.
DocxRepresents .docx file.
EmfWindows Enhanced Metafile.
PngPortable Network Graphics.
BmpWindows Bitmap
XHtmlRrepesents XHtml file.
EpubRepresents Epub file.
Azw3Represents Azw3 file.
PclPCL (Printer Command Language)