ScrollBarActiveXControl Class

ScrollBarActiveXControl class

Represents the ScrollBar control.

type ScrollBarActiveXControl struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewScrollBarActiveXControlConstructs from a parent object.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetTypeGets the type of the ActiveX control.
GetLargeChangeGets and sets the amount by which the Position property changes
SetLargeChangeGets and sets the amount by which the Position property changes
GetMinGets and sets the minimum acceptable value.
SetMinGets and sets the minimum acceptable value.
GetMaxGets and sets the maximum acceptable value.
SetMaxGets and sets the maximum acceptable value.
GetPositionGets and sets the value.
SetPositionGets and sets the value.
GetSmallChangeGets and sets the amount by which the Position property changes
SetSmallChangeGets and sets the amount by which the Position property changes
GetOrientationGets and sets whether the SpinButton or ScrollBar is oriented vertically or horizontally.
SetOrientationGets and sets whether the SpinButton or ScrollBar is oriented vertically or horizontally.