Shape Class

Shape class

Represents the msodrawing object.

type Shape struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer




IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetMacroNameGets and sets the name of macro.
SetMacroNameGets and sets the name of macro.
IsEquationIndicates whether the shape only contains an equation.
IsSmartArtIndicates whether the shape is a smart art.
ToFrontOrBackBrings the shape to the front or sends the shape to back.
GetZOrderPositionReturns the position of a shape in the z-order.
SetZOrderPositionReturns the position of a shape in the z-order.
GetNameGets and sets the name of the shape.
SetNameGets and sets the name of the shape.
GetAlternativeTextReturns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the object.
SetAlternativeTextReturns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the object.
GetTitleSpecifies the title (caption) of the current shape object.
SetTitleSpecifies the title (caption) of the current shape object.
GetLineGets line style
GetFillReturns a object that contains fill formatting properties for the specified shape.
GetShadowEffectRepresents a object that specifies shadow effect for the chart element or shape.
GetReflectionRepresents a object that specifies reflection effect for the chart element or shape.
GetGlowRepresents a object that specifies glow effect for the chart element or shape.
GetSoftEdgesGets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points.
SetSoftEdgesGets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points.
GetThreeDFormatGets and sets 3d format of the shape.
GetFormatPictureGets and sets the options of the picture format.
IsHiddenIndicates whether the object is visible.
SetIsHiddenIndicates whether the object is visible.
IsAspectRatioLockedTrue means that aspect ratio of the shape is locked.
SetIsAspectRatioLockedTrue means that aspect ratio of the shape is locked.
GetLockedPropertyGets the value of locked property.
SetLockedPropertySet the locked property.
GetRotationAngleGets and sets the rotation of the shape.
SetRotationAngleGets and sets the rotation of the shape.
AddHyperlinkAdds a hyperlink to the shape.
RemoveHyperlinkRemoves the hyperlink of the shape.
GetHyperlinkGets the hyperlink of the shape.
MoveToRangeMoves the shape to a specified range.
AlignTopRightCornerMoves the picture to the top-right corner.
GetIdGets the identifier of this shape.
GetSpidSpecifies an optional string identifier that an application can use to identify the particular shape.
GetSptSpecifies an optional number that an application can use to associate the particular shape with a defined shape type.
GetWorksheetGets the object which contains this shape.
IsGroupIndicates whether this shape is a group shape.
IsInGroupIndicates whether the shape is grouped.
IsWordArtIndicates whether this shape is a word art.
GetTextEffectReturns a TextEffectFormat object that contains text-effect formatting properties for the specified shape.Applies to Shape objects that represent WordArt.
IsLockedTrue means the object can not be modified when the sheet is protected.Note that this value is meaningful only if the worksheet or objects in the worksheet are protected.
SetIsLockedTrue means the object can not be modified when the sheet is protected.Note that this value is meaningful only if the worksheet or objects in the worksheet are protected.
IsPrintableIndicates whether the object is printable.If False, this shape will not be printed when printing.
SetIsPrintableIndicates whether the object is printable.If False, this shape will not be printed when printing.
GetMsoDrawingTypeGets drawing type.
GetAutoShapeTypeGets and sets the auto shape type.
SetAutoShapeTypeGets and sets the auto shape type.
GetAnchorTypeGets and set the type of the shape anchor placeholder.
SetAnchorTypeGets and set the type of the shape anchor placeholder.
GetPlacementRepresents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.
SetPlacementRepresents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet.
GetUpperLeftRowRepresents the top row index.
SetUpperLeftRowRepresents the top row index.
GetUpperDeltaYGets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its upper left corner row.
SetUpperDeltaYGets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its upper left corner row.
GetUpperLeftColumnRepresents upper left corner column index.
SetUpperLeftColumnRepresents upper left corner column index.
GetUpperDeltaXGets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its upper left corner column.
SetUpperDeltaXGets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its upper left corner column.
GetLowerRightRowRepresents lower right corner row index.
SetLowerRightRowRepresents lower right corner row index.
GetLowerDeltaYGets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its lower right corner row.
SetLowerDeltaYGets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its lower right corner row.
GetLowerRightColumnRepresents lower right corner column index.
SetLowerRightColumnRepresents lower right corner column index.
GetLowerDeltaXGets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column.
SetLowerDeltaXGets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column.
GetRightRepresents the width of the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels.
SetRightRepresents the width of the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels.
GetBottomRepresents the width of the shape’s vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels.
SetBottomRepresents the width of the shape’s vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels.
GetWidthRepresents the width of shape, in unit of pixels.
SetWidthRepresents the width of shape, in unit of pixels.
GetWidthInchRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of inch.
SetWidthInchRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of inch.
GetWidthPtRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of point.
SetWidthPtRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of point.
GetWidthCMRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of centimeters.
SetWidthCMRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of centimeters.
GetHeightRepresents the height of shape, in unit of pixel.
SetHeightRepresents the height of shape, in unit of pixel.
GetHeightInchRepresents the height of the shape, in unit of inches.
SetHeightInchRepresents the height of the shape, in unit of inches.
GetHeightPtRepresents the height of the shape, in unit of points.
SetHeightPtRepresents the height of the shape, in unit of points.
GetHeightCMRepresents the height of the shape, in unit of centimeters.
SetHeightCMRepresents the height of the shape, in unit of centimeters.
GetLeftRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels.
SetLeftRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels.
GetLeftInchRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of inches.
SetLeftInchRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of inches.
GetLeftCMRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of centimeters.
SetLeftCMRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of centimeters.
GetTopRepresents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels.
SetTopRepresents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels.
GetTopInchRepresents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of inches.
SetTopInchRepresents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of inches.
GetTopCMRepresents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of centimeters.
SetTopCMRepresents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of centimeters.
GetTopToCornerGets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border, in unit of pixels.
SetTopToCornerGets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border, in unit of pixels.
GetLeftToCornerGets and sets the horizonal offset of shape from worksheet left border.
SetLeftToCornerGets and sets the horizonal offset of shape from worksheet left border.
GetXGets and sets the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left border,in unit of pixels.
SetXGets and sets the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left border,in unit of pixels.
GetYGets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border,in unit of pixels.
SetYGets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border,in unit of pixels.
GetWidthScaleGets and sets the width scale, in unit of percent of the original picture width.If the shape is not picture ,the WidthScale property only returns 100;
SetWidthScaleGets and sets the width scale, in unit of percent of the original picture width.If the shape is not picture ,the WidthScale property only returns 100;
GetHeightScaleGets and sets the height scale,in unit of percent of the original picture height.If the shape is not picture ,the HeightScale property only returns 100;
SetHeightScaleGets and sets the height scale,in unit of percent of the original picture height.If the shape is not picture ,the HeightScale property only returns 100;
GetTopInShapeRepresents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape.
SetTopInShapeRepresents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape.
GetLeftInShapeRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from the left border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of width of the parent shape.
SetLeftInShapeRepresents the horizontal offset of shape from the left border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of width of the parent shape.
GetWidthInShapeRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of 1/4000 of the parent shape.
SetWidthInShapeRepresents the width of the shape, in unit of 1/4000 of the parent shape.
GetHeightInShapeRepresents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape, in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape..
SetHeightInShapeRepresents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape, in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape..
GetGroupGets the group shape which contains this shape.
GetTypeGets the auto shape type.
GetHasLineGets and sets the line border of the shape is visible.
SetHasLineGets and sets the line border of the shape is visible.
IsFilledIndicates whether the fill format is visible.
SetIsFilledIndicates whether the fill format is visible.
IsFlippedHorizontallyGets and sets whether shape is horizontally flipped .
SetIsFlippedHorizontallyGets and sets whether shape is horizontally flipped .
IsFlippedVerticallyGets and sets whether shape is vertically flipped .
SetIsFlippedVerticallyGets and sets whether shape is vertically flipped .
GetActualLowerRightRowGet the actual bottom row.
ToImage_String_ImageOrPrintOptionsSaves the shape to a file.
GetRelativeToOriginalPictureSizeIndicates whether shape is relative to original picture size.
SetRelativeToOriginalPictureSizeIndicates whether shape is relative to original picture size.
GetLinkedCellGets or sets the worksheet range linked to the control’s value.
SetLinkedCell_StringGets or sets the worksheet range linked to the control’s value.
GetInputRangeGets or sets the worksheet range used to fill the specified combo box.
SetInputRange_StringGets or sets the worksheet range used to fill the specified combo box.
GetLinkedCell_Bool_BoolGets the range linked to the control’s value.
SetLinkedCell_String_Bool_BoolSets the range linked to the control’s value.
GetInputRange_Bool_BoolGets the range used to fill the control.
SetInputRange_String_Bool_BoolSets the range used to fill the control.
UpdateSelectedValueUpdate the selected value by the value of the linked cell.
GetTextShapeTypeGets and sets the preset text shape type.
SetTextShapeTypeGets and sets the preset text shape type.
GetTextBodyGets and sets the setting of the shape’s text.
GetFontRepresents the font of shape.
SetFontRepresents the font of shape.
GetTextOptionsRepresents the text options of the shape.
SetTextOptionsRepresents the text options of the shape.
GetTextGets and sets the text of this shape.
SetTextGets and sets the text of this shape.
IsRichTextWhether or not the text is rich text.
GetHtmlTextGets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this textbox.
SetHtmlTextGets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this textbox.
FormatCharactersFormats some characters with the font setting.
CharactersReturns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text.
GetTextVerticalOverflowGets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the shape which contains text.
SetTextVerticalOverflowGets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the shape which contains text.
GetTextHorizontalOverflowGets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the shape which contains text.
SetTextHorizontalOverflowGets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the shape which contains text.
IsTextWrappedGets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text.
SetIsTextWrappedGets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text.
GetTextOrientationTypeGets and sets the text orientation type of the shape.
SetTextOrientationTypeGets and sets the text orientation type of the shape.
GetTextHorizontalAlignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the shape.
SetTextHorizontalAlignmentGets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the shape.
GetTextVerticalAlignmentGets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the shape.
SetTextVerticalAlignmentGets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the shape.
GetTextDirectionGets/Sets the direction of the text flow for this object.
SetTextDirectionGets/Sets the direction of the text flow for this object.
GetTextBoxOptionsGets the text information in the shape
GetActiveXControlGets the ActiveX control.
RemoveActiveXControlRemove activeX control.
GetPathsGets the paths of a custom geometric shape.
GetGeometryGets the geometry
GetCreateIdGets and sets create id for this shape.
SetCreateIdGets and sets create id for this shape.
IsDecorativeIndicates whether the object is decorative.
SetIsDecorativeIndicates whether the object is decorative.
GetResultOfSmartArtConverting smart art to grouped shapes.
IsSameSettingReturns whether the shape is same.