Shape Class
]Shape class
Represents the msodrawing object.
type Shape struct {
ptr unsafe.Pointer
Method | Description |
Method | Description |
IsNull | Checks whether the implementation object is nullptr. |
GetMacroName | Gets and sets the name of macro. |
SetMacroName | Gets and sets the name of macro. |
IsEquation | Indicates whether the shape only contains an equation. |
IsSmartArt | Indicates whether the shape is a smart art. |
ToFrontOrBack | Brings the shape to the front or sends the shape to back. |
GetZOrderPosition | Returns the position of a shape in the z-order. |
SetZOrderPosition | Returns the position of a shape in the z-order. |
GetName | Gets and sets the name of the shape. |
SetName | Gets and sets the name of the shape. |
GetAlternativeText | Returns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the |
SetAlternativeText | Returns or sets the descriptive (alternative) text string of the |
GetTitle | Specifies the title (caption) of the current shape object. |
SetTitle | Specifies the title (caption) of the current shape object. |
GetLine | Gets line style |
GetFill | Returns a |
GetShadowEffect | Represents a |
GetReflection | Represents a |
GetGlow | Represents a |
GetSoftEdges | Gets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points. |
SetSoftEdges | Gets and sets the radius of blur to apply to the edges, in unit of points. |
GetThreeDFormat | Gets and sets 3d format of the shape. |
GetFormatPicture | Gets and sets the options of the picture format. |
IsHidden | Indicates whether the object is visible. |
SetIsHidden | Indicates whether the object is visible. |
IsAspectRatioLocked | True means that aspect ratio of the shape is locked. |
SetIsAspectRatioLocked | True means that aspect ratio of the shape is locked. |
GetLockedProperty | Gets the value of locked property. |
SetLockedProperty | Set the locked property. |
GetRotationAngle | Gets and sets the rotation of the shape. |
SetRotationAngle | Gets and sets the rotation of the shape. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a hyperlink to the shape. |
RemoveHyperlink | Removes the hyperlink of the shape. |
GetHyperlink | Gets the hyperlink of the shape. |
MoveToRange | Moves the shape to a specified range. |
AlignTopRightCorner | Moves the picture to the top-right corner. |
GetId | Gets the identifier of this shape. |
GetSpid | Specifies an optional string identifier that an application can use to identify the particular shape. |
GetSpt | Specifies an optional number that an application can use to associate the particular shape with a defined shape type. |
GetWorksheet | Gets the |
IsGroup | Indicates whether this shape is a group shape. |
IsInGroup | Indicates whether the shape is grouped. |
IsWordArt | Indicates whether this shape is a word art. |
GetTextEffect | Returns a TextEffectFormat object that contains text-effect formatting properties for the specified shape.Applies to Shape objects that represent WordArt. |
IsLocked | True means the object can not be modified when the sheet is protected.Note that this value is meaningful only if the worksheet or objects in the worksheet are protected. |
SetIsLocked | True means the object can not be modified when the sheet is protected.Note that this value is meaningful only if the worksheet or objects in the worksheet are protected. |
IsPrintable | Indicates whether the object is printable.If False, this shape will not be printed when printing. |
SetIsPrintable | Indicates whether the object is printable.If False, this shape will not be printed when printing. |
GetMsoDrawingType | Gets drawing type. |
GetAutoShapeType | Gets and sets the auto shape type. |
SetAutoShapeType | Gets and sets the auto shape type. |
GetAnchorType | Gets and set the type of the shape anchor placeholder. |
SetAnchorType | Gets and set the type of the shape anchor placeholder. |
GetPlacement | Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet. |
SetPlacement | Represents the way the drawing object is attached to the cells below it.The property controls the placement of an object on a worksheet. |
GetUpperLeftRow | Represents the top row index. |
SetUpperLeftRow | Represents the top row index. |
GetUpperDeltaY | Gets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its upper left corner row. |
SetUpperDeltaY | Gets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its upper left corner row. |
GetUpperLeftColumn | Represents upper left corner column index. |
SetUpperLeftColumn | Represents upper left corner column index. |
GetUpperDeltaX | Gets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its upper left corner column. |
SetUpperDeltaX | Gets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its upper left corner column. |
GetLowerRightRow | Represents lower right corner row index. |
SetLowerRightRow | Represents lower right corner row index. |
GetLowerDeltaY | Gets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its lower right corner row. |
SetLowerDeltaY | Gets or sets the shape’s vertical offset from its lower right corner row. |
GetLowerRightColumn | Represents lower right corner column index. |
SetLowerRightColumn | Represents lower right corner column index. |
GetLowerDeltaX | Gets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column. |
SetLowerDeltaX | Gets or sets the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column. |
GetRight | Represents the width of the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels. |
SetRight | Represents the width of the shape’s horizontal offset from its lower right corner column, in unit of pixels. |
GetBottom | Represents the width of the shape’s vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels. |
SetBottom | Represents the width of the shape’s vertical offset from its lower bottom corner row, in unit of pixels. |
GetWidth | Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixels. |
SetWidth | Represents the width of shape, in unit of pixels. |
GetWidthInch | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of inch. |
SetWidthInch | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of inch. |
GetWidthPt | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of point. |
SetWidthPt | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of point. |
GetWidthCM | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of centimeters. |
SetWidthCM | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of centimeters. |
GetHeight | Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel. |
SetHeight | Represents the height of shape, in unit of pixel. |
GetHeightInch | Represents the height of the shape, in unit of inches. |
SetHeightInch | Represents the height of the shape, in unit of inches. |
GetHeightPt | Represents the height of the shape, in unit of points. |
SetHeightPt | Represents the height of the shape, in unit of points. |
GetHeightCM | Represents the height of the shape, in unit of centimeters. |
SetHeightCM | Represents the height of the shape, in unit of centimeters. |
GetLeft | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels. |
SetLeft | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of pixels. |
GetLeftInch | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of inches. |
SetLeftInch | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of inches. |
GetLeftCM | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of centimeters. |
SetLeftCM | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from its left column, in unit of centimeters. |
GetTop | Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels. |
SetTop | Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of pixels. |
GetTopInch | Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of inches. |
SetTopInch | Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of inches. |
GetTopCM | Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of centimeters. |
SetTopCM | Represents the vertical offset of shape from its top row, in unit of centimeters. |
GetTopToCorner | Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border, in unit of pixels. |
SetTopToCorner | Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border, in unit of pixels. |
GetLeftToCorner | Gets and sets the horizonal offset of shape from worksheet left border. |
SetLeftToCorner | Gets and sets the horizonal offset of shape from worksheet left border. |
GetX | Gets and sets the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left border,in unit of pixels. |
SetX | Gets and sets the horizontal offset of shape from worksheet left border,in unit of pixels. |
GetY | Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border,in unit of pixels. |
SetY | Gets and sets the vertical offset of shape from worksheet top border,in unit of pixels. |
GetWidthScale | Gets and sets the width scale, in unit of percent of the original picture width.If the shape is not picture ,the WidthScale property only returns 100; |
SetWidthScale | Gets and sets the width scale, in unit of percent of the original picture width.If the shape is not picture ,the WidthScale property only returns 100; |
GetHeightScale | Gets and sets the height scale,in unit of percent of the original picture height.If the shape is not picture ,the HeightScale property only returns 100; |
SetHeightScale | Gets and sets the height scale,in unit of percent of the original picture height.If the shape is not picture ,the HeightScale property only returns 100; |
GetTopInShape | Represents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape. |
SetTopInShape | Represents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape. |
GetLeftInShape | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from the left border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of width of the parent shape. |
SetLeftInShape | Represents the horizontal offset of shape from the left border of the parent shape,in unit of 1/4000 of width of the parent shape. |
GetWidthInShape | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of 1/4000 of the parent shape. |
SetWidthInShape | Represents the width of the shape, in unit of 1/4000 of the parent shape. |
GetHeightInShape | Represents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape, in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape.. |
SetHeightInShape | Represents the vertical offset of shape from the top border of the parent shape, in unit of 1/4000 of height of the parent shape.. |
GetGroup | Gets the group shape which contains this shape. |
GetType | Gets the auto shape type. |
GetHasLine | Gets and sets the line border of the shape is visible. |
SetHasLine | Gets and sets the line border of the shape is visible. |
IsFilled | Indicates whether the fill format is visible. |
SetIsFilled | Indicates whether the fill format is visible. |
IsFlippedHorizontally | Gets and sets whether shape is horizontally flipped . |
SetIsFlippedHorizontally | Gets and sets whether shape is horizontally flipped . |
IsFlippedVertically | Gets and sets whether shape is vertically flipped . |
SetIsFlippedVertically | Gets and sets whether shape is vertically flipped . |
GetActualLowerRightRow | Get the actual bottom row. |
ToImage_String_ImageOrPrintOptions | Saves the shape to a file. |
GetRelativeToOriginalPictureSize | Indicates whether shape is relative to original picture size. |
SetRelativeToOriginalPictureSize | Indicates whether shape is relative to original picture size. |
GetLinkedCell | Gets or sets the worksheet range linked to the control’s value. |
SetLinkedCell_String | Gets or sets the worksheet range linked to the control’s value. |
GetInputRange | Gets or sets the worksheet range used to fill the specified combo box. |
SetInputRange_String | Gets or sets the worksheet range used to fill the specified combo box. |
GetLinkedCell_Bool_Bool | Gets the range linked to the control’s value. |
SetLinkedCell_String_Bool_Bool | Sets the range linked to the control’s value. |
GetInputRange_Bool_Bool | Gets the range used to fill the control. |
SetInputRange_String_Bool_Bool | Sets the range used to fill the control. |
UpdateSelectedValue | Update the selected value by the value of the linked cell. |
GetTextShapeType | Gets and sets the preset text shape type. |
SetTextShapeType | Gets and sets the preset text shape type. |
GetTextBody | Gets and sets the setting of the shape’s text. |
GetFont | Represents the font of shape. |
SetFont | Represents the font of shape. |
GetTextOptions | Represents the text options of the shape. |
SetTextOptions | Represents the text options of the shape. |
GetText | Gets and sets the text of this shape. |
SetText | Gets and sets the text of this shape. |
IsRichText | Whether or not the text is rich text. |
GetHtmlText | Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this textbox. |
SetHtmlText | Gets and sets the html string which contains data and some formats in this textbox. |
FormatCharacters | Formats some characters with the font setting. |
Characters | Returns a Characters object that represents a range of characters within the text. |
GetTextVerticalOverflow | Gets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the shape which contains text. |
SetTextVerticalOverflow | Gets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the shape which contains text. |
GetTextHorizontalOverflow | Gets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the shape which contains text. |
SetTextHorizontalOverflow | Gets and sets the text horizontal overflow type of the shape which contains text. |
IsTextWrapped | Gets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text. |
SetIsTextWrapped | Gets and sets the text wrapped type of the shape which contains text. |
GetTextOrientationType | Gets and sets the text orientation type of the shape. |
SetTextOrientationType | Gets and sets the text orientation type of the shape. |
GetTextHorizontalAlignment | Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the shape. |
SetTextHorizontalAlignment | Gets and sets the text horizontal alignment type of the shape. |
GetTextVerticalAlignment | Gets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the shape. |
SetTextVerticalAlignment | Gets and sets the text vertical alignment type of the shape. |
GetTextDirection | Gets/Sets the direction of the text flow for this object. |
SetTextDirection | Gets/Sets the direction of the text flow for this object. |
GetTextBoxOptions | Gets the text information in the shape |
GetActiveXControl | Gets the ActiveX control. |
RemoveActiveXControl | Remove activeX control. |
GetPaths | Gets the paths of a custom geometric shape. |
GetGeometry | Gets the geometry |
GetCreateId | Gets and sets create id for this shape. |
SetCreateId | Gets and sets create id for this shape. |
IsDecorative | Indicates whether the object is decorative. |
SetIsDecorative | Indicates whether the object is decorative. |
GetResultOfSmartArt | Converting smart art to grouped shapes. |
IsSameSetting | Returns whether the shape is same. |