StyleFlag Class

StyleFlag class

Represents flags which indicates applied formatting properties.

type StyleFlag struct  {
	ptr unsafe.Pointer


NewStyleFlagConstructs an object with all flags as false.


IsNullChecks whether the implementation object is nullptr.
GetAllAll properties will be applied.
SetAllAll properties will be applied.
GetBordersAll borders settings will be applied.
SetBordersAll borders settings will be applied.
GetLeftBorderLeft border settings will be applied.
SetLeftBorderLeft border settings will be applied.
GetRightBorderRight border settings will be applied.
SetRightBorderRight border settings will be applied.
GetTopBorderTop border settings will be applied.
SetTopBorderTop border settings will be applied.
GetBottomBorderBottom border settings will be applied.
SetBottomBorderBottom border settings will be applied.
GetDiagonalDownBorderDiagonal down border settings will be applied.
SetDiagonalDownBorderDiagonal down border settings will be applied.
GetDiagonalUpBorderDiagonal up border settings will be applied.
SetDiagonalUpBorderDiagonal up border settings will be applied.
GetFontFont settings will be applied.
SetFontFont settings will be applied.
GetFontSizeFont size setting will be applied.
SetFontSizeFont size setting will be applied.
GetFontNameFont name setting will be applied.
SetFontNameFont name setting will be applied.
GetFontColorFont color setting will be applied.
SetFontColorFont color setting will be applied.
GetFontBoldFont bold setting will be applied.
SetFontBoldFont bold setting will be applied.
GetFontItalicFont italic setting will be applied.
SetFontItalicFont italic setting will be applied.
GetFontUnderlineFont underline setting will be applied.
SetFontUnderlineFont underline setting will be applied.
GetFontStrikeFont strikeout setting will be applied.
SetFontStrikeFont strikeout setting will be applied.
GetFontScriptFont script setting will be applied.
SetFontScriptFont script setting will be applied.
Get_NumberFormatNumber format setting will be applied.
SetNumberFormatNumber format setting will be applied.
GetAlignmentsAlignment setting will be applied.
SetAlignmentsAlignment setting will be applied.
GetHorizontalAlignmentHorizontal alignment setting will be applied.
SetHorizontalAlignmentHorizontal alignment setting will be applied.
GetVerticalAlignmentVertical alignment setting will be applied.
SetVerticalAlignmentVertical alignment setting will be applied.
GetIndentIndent level setting will be applied.
SetIndentIndent level setting will be applied.
GetRotationRotation setting will be applied.
SetRotationRotation setting will be applied.
GetWrapTextWrap text setting will be applied.
SetWrapTextWrap text setting will be applied.
GetShrinkToFitShrink to fit setting will be applied.
SetShrinkToFitShrink to fit setting will be applied.
GetTextDirectionText direction setting will be applied.
SetTextDirectionText direction setting will be applied.
GetCellShadingCell shading setting will be applied.
SetCellShadingCell shading setting will be applied.
GetLockedLocked setting will be applied.
SetLockedLocked setting will be applied.
GetHideFormulaHide formula setting will be applied.
SetHideFormulaHide formula setting will be applied.
GetQuotePrefixHide formula setting will be applied.
SetQuotePrefixHide formula setting will be applied.